要处理交易,您需要从 transactions.txt 文件中一次读取一行并解析您检索到的字符串。您可以为此使用 Scanner 类。分隔符将是一个冒号。然后处理交易;您无需检查交易类型。只需将交易金额添加到支票簿余额中即可。添加负交易金额将按预期减少余额。确保在适当的地方使用 try/catch 块。
处理完每个事务后,调用 animate 方法。此方法属于 Accounting 类,因此您将在不使用对象引用的情况下调用 animate。如果 animate 方法如下所示的 API
public void animate { String currentTransaction, double currentAmount, double currentBalance, }
如您所见,animate 方法接受三个参数:currentTransaction 是交易名称(例如“Deposit”),currentAmount 是交易金额(例如-45.00),currentBalance 是支票簿的当前余额. 假设您有一个名为 transactionName 的 String 变量、一个名为 amount 的 double 变量和另一个名为 balance 的 double ,对 animate 的调用将如下所示:
animate( transactionName, amount, balance);
到达文件末尾时,打印最终余额并将其写入名为 balance.txt 的文件
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Accounting extends JFrame
private BankAccount bankAccount;
public Accounting( )
bankAccount = new BankAccount( getBackground( ) );
setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
setSize( 300, 300 );
setVisible( true );
public void balanceCheckBook( )
// ***** Write the body of this method *****
// Using a while loop, read the file transactions.txt
// The file transactions.txt contains
// transactions between you and your bank
// You will need to call the animate method inside
// the body of the loop that reads the file contents
// The animate method takes three arguments:
// a String, representing the type of transaction
// a double, representing the transaction money amount
// a double, representing the new checkbook balance
// So if these three variables are:
// transactionName, currentAmount, and balance,
// then the call to animate will be:
// animate( transactionName, currentAmount, balance );
// You should make that call in the body of your while
// loop, after you have updated the checkbook balance
double balance = 0.00;
double currentAmount;
String nextLine;
StringTokenizer st;
String transactionName;
public void animate( String currentTransaction, double currentAmount, double currentBalance )
if ( currentTransaction.startsWith( "Ch" ) )
bankAccount.setCurrentTransaction( new Check(currentAmount ) );
else if ( currentTransaction.startsWith( "With" ) )
bankAccount.setCurrentTransaction( new Withdrawal(currentAmount ) );
else if ( currentTransaction.startsWith( "Dep" ) )
bankAccount.setCurrentTransaction( new Deposit(currentAmount ) );
bankAccount.setCurrentTransaction( new UnknownTransaction(currentAmount ) );
bankAccount.updateBalance( currentBalance );
repaint( );
Thread.sleep( 3000 );
catch ( Exception e )
public void paint( Graphics g )
super.paint( g );
bankAccount.draw( g );
public static void main( String [] args )
Accounting app = new Accounting( );
app.balanceCheckBook( );