Matlab Central 文件交换包含许多帮助脚本和函数。是否可以将它们放置在某个地方以便不使用帮助文件填充当前(项目)目录?


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There is set of functionality that concerns itself with search path (documentation).

What Is the MATLAB Search Path?

The search path, or path is a subset of all the folders in the file system. MATLAB® software uses the search path to efficiently locate files used with MathWorks® products. MATLAB can access all files in the folders on the search path.

Add Folders to Search Path Upon Startup

The startup.m file is for specifying startup options. You can add folders to the search path by including addpath statements in startup.m. For example, to add the specified folders, /home/username/mytools to the search path, include this statement:

addpath /home/username/mytools
于 2013-06-24T18:10:35.577 回答