我刚刚创建了一个非常简单的带有 Web 应用程序的窗口 azure 项目。当我按“Ctrl+F5”将其部署到 azure 模拟器时,它不断收到消息:角色实例的启动时间比预期的要长。要继续等待吗?
我检查了 dfagent.log 文件显示:
[2013/06/24, 16:16:35.532, INFO, 00008500] DFAgent host address:
[2013/06/24, 16:16:39.849, ERROR, 00010496] Failed to read pipe.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:39.849, ERROR, 00012032] Failed to read pipe.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:39.853, ERROR, 00010496] RuntimepPipeClientThread=0x8007006d
[2013/06/24, 16:16:39.997, ERROR, 00001176] Failed to read pipe.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:39.998, ERROR, 00008392] Failed to read pipe.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.306, ERROR, 00005136] Failed to read pipe.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.313, ERROR, 00005136] RuntimepPipeClientThread=0x8007006d
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.322, INFO, 00012036] Called`enter code here` GetState
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.322, INFO, 00012036] There are 0 notifications.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.322, INFO, 00012036] There are 0 completion events.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.322, INFO, 00012036] GetState returned.
[2013/06/24, 16:16:40.806, ERROR, 00008440] Failed to read pipe.
我检查了所有进程,发现没有运行冲突的进程。是否重新启动计算机,重新安装模拟器并检查 stackoverflow 上的所有类似问题。