I successfully made some script to be executed by matlab throught CLI from a web interface of my own. But now, I am trying to get the output of the scripts that we can launch from it.

Does anyone know how to get the values returned by matlab ?

For instance, my script "A.m" is :

a = [3, 6, 9];

I want to get :

a =

     3     6     9

My script "B.m" is :

a = [1 2 3 4 6 4 3 4 5]
b = a + 2
grid on

I want to get the result below + the image generated :

a =

     1     2     3     4     6     4     3     4     5

b =

     3     4     5     6     8     6     5     6     7

I have used these previous topics :

Thanks a lot !

Edit : I call my files this way :

C:\...\matlab\bin> matlab -wait -minimize -nodesktop
 -automation -r "run('C:\...\Source2.m');exit;"

1 回答 1


由于我没有副本,matlab因此无法检查,但我假设如果您使用命令行界面 (CLI) 运行它,它应该将输出打印到STDOUT(即手动调用时的终端窗口)。


C:\...\matlab\bin> matlab -wait -minimize -nodesktop \
 -automation -r "run('C:\...\Source2.m');exit;" > FILEPATH

我希望这是你想要的,并且上面的灵魂对你有用(在 Windows 上,在我看来?)。



但是,当涉及到图像时,我不知道如何获得这些图像。它们显然不会STDOUT与文本输出一起发送。缺乏matlab我只能猜测,但是R从 CLI 调用时的标准行为是创建一个plots.pdf在包含所有绘图的工作目录中调用的文件。您可以在运行脚本或阅读文档后检查类似的matlab文件。

于 2013-07-07T10:24:10.223 回答