我遇到了 cyg-apt 命令的问题(在 Windows 7 64 位虚拟机上运行的 cygwin 1.7 上)
我已按照以下步骤正确安装 cyg-apt:
Install cygwin
Install wget and python
wget http://www.lilypond.org/~janneke/software/cyg-apt 1.1
Edit the cygapt file: Change the default server to other than the one in it. (I find ftp://ftp.cise.ufl.edu/pub/mirrors/cygwin/ to be good)
chmod a+rx cyg-apt
mv cyg-apt /bin
cyg-apt setup
cyg-apt update
而且无论我尝试使用 cyg-apt (cyg-apt install package-name, cyg-apt man, even cyg-apt ...),每次都会出现此错误:
to rely on a native Windows version of Bonjour's mDNSResponder service.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/cyg-apt", line 658, in (module) get_setup_ini()
File "/usr/bin/cyg-apt", line 184, in get_setup_ini raise 'URG'
TypeError: exceptions must be old-style classes or derived form BaseException, not str
我已经进行了一些研究,它可能与 1.7 版本的 cygwin 不兼容有关,但没有什么帮助。