As most people who use CR2008 know, its HTML capabilities are a bit... lacking. However, what I need must be possible somehow.

I want to align one line of text, part of it left and part of it right, and to make it more complex, the left side has to be a different font. <div> and <p> tags simply don't work because they cause a line break, and pointing to specific CSS <p class="alignleft"> results in trouble because of the quotes around alignleft.

What I want:

<p class="alignleft">Amount total €&lt;/p>
<p class="alignright">{Field.totalamount}</p>

In one line, no line break, with the CSS being

.alignleft {
float: left;
.alignright {
float: right;

And of course, somehow implemented in CR2008. Can anybody help me out here? :)


I just found out that CSS only works when the report is set up for a web page. It does not influence the report when exported as PDF, which is what I want. Is there another way of aligning text without a line break?


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