I have found much to my grief that the website theme for a Drupal website, is not displaying properly after I downloaded a copy of the website with Filezilla (for backup purposes)

At the time I hadn't changed any of the files. I've tried clearing the cache of the website, and nothing happens.

Please help! This is a business site for a client.

Edit There were alot of errors, which were fixed when I pressed clear cache. It fixed the errors, but now the theme won't display correctly.

Some users also made some changes with admin privileges 3 hours before this happened, so I'm not really sure who or what is responsible.

To clarify:

  1. The left sidebar seems display as a raw list without css
  2. Top navigation seems to be mysteriously empty

Last known correct layout of site: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53535022/DrupalProblem/screenshot.png Current layout of site: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53535022/DrupalProblem/WhatHappened.png


2 回答 2



1.尝试检查所有css文件是否正在加载。如果没有加载,那么请尝试检查问题的根源。如果是通过您的.info 文件template files等。请检查该特定文件..

2.转到。admin > Settings > Performance查看您是否启用了css compressionON。


于 2013-06-25T08:47:32.863 回答


于 2013-06-25T06:04:59.827 回答