I have an embedded device (source) which is sending out a stream of (audio) data in chunks of 20 ms (= about 330 bytes) by means of a UDP packets. The network volume is thus fairly low at about 16kBps (practically somewhat more due to UDP/IP overhead). The device is running the lwIP stack (v1.3.2) and connects to a WiFi network using a WiFi solution from H&D Wireless (HDG104, WiFi G-mode). The destination (sink) is a Windows Vista PC which is also connected to the WiFi network using a USB WiFi dongle (WiFi G-mode). A program is running on the PC which allows me to monitor the amount of dropped packets. I am also running Wireshark to analyze the network traffic directly. No other clients are actively sending data over the network at this point.

When I send the data using broadcast or multicast many packets are dropped, sometimes upto 15%. However, when I switch to using UDP unicast, the amount of packets dropped is negligible (< 2%).

Using UDP I expect packets to be dropped (which is OK in my Audio application), but why do I see such a big difference in performance between Broadcast/Multicast and unicast?

My router is a WRT54GS (FW v7.50.2) and the PC (sink) is using a trendnet TEW-648UB network adapter, running in WiFi G-mode.


2 回答 2


这看起来像是一个众所周知的 WiFi 问题:


802.11 (Wi-Fi) 标准将多播支持指定为异步服务的一部分。802.11 客户端站,例如无线膝上型电脑或 PDA(不是接入点),通过在仅指向接入点的 802.11 单播数据帧中发送多播数据包来开始多播传送。如果在数据帧中没有发现错误,接入点会以 802.11 确认帧向源站发送响应。

如果发送帧的客户端没有收到确认,则客户端将重新发送帧。对于多播,从无线客户端到接入点的数据路径的一部分包括传输错误恢复。在使用单播数据帧传输时,802.11 协议可确保基础设施和 ad hoc 配置中的站点之间的可靠性。



本文有更多信息: http ://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/08/44/57/PDF/RR-5947.pdf

多播实现(在 WiFi MAC 层)的一个非常有趣的副作用是,只要您的接收器是有线的,您就不会遇到任何问题(由于接收器端的确认,这实际上是一个单播连接) . 然而,使用 WiFi 接收器(如我的情况),数据包丢失是巨大的,对于音频来说是完全不可接受的。

于 2013-07-09T18:07:24.447 回答


丢包的 UDP 流是一个众所周知的挑战,通常使用某种类型的前向纠错来解决。最近,一个被称为喷泉码的类,例如 Raptor-Q,显示了丢包问题的前景,特别是当同时有多个不可靠的数据源时。(例如:覆盖一个区域的多个 wifi 接入点)

于 2014-03-08T13:55:17.010 回答