Here is some SQL which is working fine inside and SP (SQL Server 2000)
Insert into #sysAccrual
Select 'R', Cast(S.ServicePurchaseLineID as varchar),
- S.Amount, dateadd(mm, 1, S.Date), null, L.LicenceTypeID, null,
L.LicenceID, L.LicenceNumber
from sysMYOB_SP S inner join Licence L ON S.LicenceID = L.LicenceID
and S.PaymentReasonID = 2
and S.Accrued = 0
and S.Deducted = 1
and datediff(yy, S.Date, @AccrualMonth) = 0
and datediff(mm, S.Date, @AccrualMonth) = 0
I would like to place a condition around this part 'dateadd(mm, 1, S.Date)' Should e able to do this:
Insert into #sysAccrual
Select 'R', Cast(S.ServicePurchaseLineID as varchar), - S.Amount,
case when
dateDiff(d, S.Date , LCS.statusDateTo) > 31 THEN
dateadd(mm, 1, S.Date),
null, L.LicenceTypeID, null,
L.LicenceID, L.LicenceNumber
from sysMYOB_SP S inner join Licence L ON S.LicenceID = L.LicenceID
inner join licCurrentStatus LCS ON L.LicenceID = LCS.LicenceID
and S.PaymentReasonID = 2
and S.Accrued = 0
and S.Deducted = 1
and datediff(yy, S.Date, @AccrualMonth) = 0
and datediff(mm, S.Date, @AccrualMonth) = 0
@ghost my questions is can I do this part of the second query:
case when
dateDiff(d, S.Date , LCS.statusDateTo) > 31 THEN
dateadd(mm, 1, S.Date),
I am unsure if a case ca be used inside an insert like I have done.