我有 Option Strict On。下面的代码在我打开时不起作用。我能够将问题隔离到这一行
Decimal.TryParse(lblAnnualMid.Text, decAnnualMid)
因为这一行没有将值从文本更改为十进制,所以我的其余代码不起作用,我的标签显示 $0。
我怎样才能解决这个问题。我仍然在 VB.Net 中摸索,所以如果这看起来很明显,请原谅我。
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class frmCustomRanges
'Variables for the MidPoint TextBoxes
Dim decAnnualMid As Decimal
Dim decHourlyMid As Decimal
Private Sub txtRangeSpread_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtRangeSpread.TextChanged
'This event runs when the user enters a number in the
'txtRangeSpread text box. The amount is converted to a decimal
'it then calculates the min and max of the range for annual
'and hourly ranges. The ranges change as the user changes the range
'Variables for the event
Dim decRangeSpreadResults As Decimal
'Verify entry is numeric
If IsNumeric(txtRangeSpread.Text) Then
'Convert entry to decimal
Dim decRangeSpread As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(txtRangeSpread.Text)
'convert the Mid point value to decimal
Decimal.TryParse(lblAnnualMid.Text, decAnnualMid)
'convert range spread value to percentage
decRangeSpreadResults = decRangeSpread / 100
'Display results in dollar string Annual salary
lblAnnualMin.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(decAnnualMid - (decRangeSpreadResults * decAnnualMid)).ToString("C")
lblAnnualMax.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(decAnnualMid + (decRangeSpreadResults * decAnnualMid)).ToString("C")
''Display results in dollar string in Hourly rate
lblHourlyMin.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(decAnnualMid + (decRangeSpreadResults * decAnnualMid) / 52 / 40).ToString("C")
lblHourlyMax.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(decAnnualMid + (decRangeSpreadResults * decAnnualMid) / 52 / 40).ToString("C")
MsgBox("You have entered a non-numeric value. Please check value and enter again", vbCritical, "Input Error")
With txtRangeSpread
.Text = ""
End With
End If
End Sub