The current version of the Pipes tutorial, uses the following two functions in one of the example:
stdout :: () -> Consumer String IO r
stdout () = forever $ do
str <- request ()
lift $ putStrLn str
stdin :: () -> Producer String IO ()
stdin () = loop
loop = do
eof <- lift $ IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin
unless eof $ do
str <- lift getLine
respond str
As is mentinoed in the tutorial itself, P.stdin is a bit more complicated due to the need to check for the end of input.
Are there any nice ways to rewrite P.stdin to not need a manual tail recursive loop and use higher order control flow combinators like P.stdout does? In an imperative language I would use a structured while loop or a break statement to do the same thing:
while(not IO.isEOF(IO.stdin) ){
str <- getLine()
if(IO.isEOF(IO.stdin) ){ break }
str <- getLine()