我正在阅读现实世界的haskell书。许多示例没有在最近的 GHC 上编译。我不确定在哪里可以找到 GHC 发生的更改,而 Google 在查找我看到的错误消息时也不是很及时。似乎在 MArrays 的实现中一定有一些变化?
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.1
$ ghc -o bloom BloomFilter/Mutable.hs
[2 of 2] Compiling BloomFilter.Mutable ( BloomFilter/Mutable.hs, BloomFilter/Mutable.o )
No instance for (Data.Array.Base.MArray
Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
arising from a use of `newArray'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Data.Array.Base.MArray Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
In the second argument of `liftM', namely
`newArray (0, numBits - 1) False'
In the expression: MB hash `liftM` newArray (0, numBits - 1) False
In an equation for `new':
new hash numBits = MB hash `liftM` newArray (0, numBits - 1) False
No instance for (Data.Array.Base.MArray
Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
arising from a use of `getBounds'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Data.Array.Base.MArray Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
In the second argument of `liftM', namely
`getBounds (mutArray filt)'
In the expression: (succ . snd) `liftM` getBounds (mutArray filt)
In an equation for `length':
length filt = (succ . snd) `liftM` getBounds (mutArray filt)
Couldn't match expected type `MutBloom s0 a0'
with actual type `Word32'
In the second argument of `writeArray', namely `bit'
In the expression: writeArray (mutArray) bit True
In the first argument of `mapM_', namely
`(\ bit -> writeArray (mutArray) bit True)'
No instance for (Data.Array.Base.MArray
Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
arising from a use of `readArray'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Data.Array.Base.MArray Data.Array.Base.UArray Bool (ST s))
In the first argument of `allM', namely
`(readArray (mutArray filt))'
In the second argument of `(>>=)', namely
`allM (readArray (mutArray filt))'
In the expression:
indices filt elt >>= allM (readArray (mutArray filt))