There's some VHDL code I'm going through for finals and came across some confusing syntax. I understand that it is because of type differences but don't really understand what's going on. I'll only post the relevant part of the code and the libraries used

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;

count : IN std_logic;
SIGNAL qi : unsigned(w downto 0);

qi <= qi + ("" & count);

Basically my question is, what's ' "" & ' , does the concatenation with "" do an automatic conversion to the other type?

Thanks in advance


Cause of the type conversion confusion here's the rest of the code

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;

ENTITY counter_alt IS
GENERIC (w : integer := 8);
PORT (clk, load, count : IN std_logic;
        d : IN unsigned(w-1 downto 0);
        q : OUT unsigned(w-1 downto 0);
        co : OUT std_logic);
END counter_alt;

ARCHITECTURE bhv OF counter_alt IS
SIGNAL qi : unsigned(w downto 0);

        IF rising_edge(clk) THEN

        IF load='1' THEN 
        qi <= '0' & d;
        ELSE qi <= qi + ("" & count);
        END IF;
        END IF; 

q <= qi(w-1 downto 0);
co <= qi(w); 
END bhv;

3 回答 3


By concatenating an empty string "" to a std_logic value a std_logic_vector is returned. This can be useful if a std_logic value shall be used in an arithmetic expression. The resulting std_logic_vector can then be cast to the desired type, e.g. signed(quite useless for a number which is 1 bit wide), unsigned, integer...
Thus, in your example a type cast should still be required, since VHDL does no automatic type conversion from std_logic_vector to unsigned.

于 2013-06-23T17:31:47.507 回答

The empty string "" is an empty unsigned vectors in that context, since the USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; is included, and the relevant expression involves signals of type unsigned.

So the result of ("" & count) has type unsigned, thus can be used in addition without any further type conversion. The concat with "" serves as an implicit type conversion to unsigned in that case.

于 2013-06-23T19:11:05.950 回答

"" simply designates a null string literal. By concatenating it with std_logic, it becomes some array type based on std_logic. Since the "+" operator for adding with an unsigned only supports an unsigned or natural typed value (pre-vhdl-2008), the string value is resolved to unsigned.

The same sort of type resolution happens when you add with a string literal value:

qi <= qi + "0101" ;

With VHDL-2008, you can now add an unsigned with a std_ulogic (and as a result also std_logic):

qi <= qi + count;
于 2013-06-25T16:41:49.163 回答