

3 回答 3



  • word-wrap: word-wrap CSS 属性用于指定浏览器是否可以在单词中换行,以防止在其他不可中断的字符串太长而无法放入其包含框时溢出。

  • overflow-wrap :在 CSS3 文本规范的当前草案中word-wrap已重命名属性overflow-wrap

  • word-break: word-break CSS 属性用于指定如何(或是否)在单词中换行

因此,您需要将 word-break 与 word-wrap 结合使用,这是正确的组合。

于 2013-06-23T10:46:09.810 回答

在这一点上,word-break: break-word它实际上是overflow-wrap: anywhere.

word-break: break-word已正式弃用;请参阅CSS 文本模块第 3 级工作草案

为了与旧内容兼容,该word-break属性还支持不推荐使用的break-word关键字。word-break: normal指定时,它与and具有相同的效果overflow-wrap: anywhere,而与 overflow-wrap 属性的实际值无关。

这里要注意的是,它 word-break: break-word是 的别名overflow-wrap: anywhere,而不是的别名overflow-wrap: break-word

word-break: normal只是 的默认值word-break,因此您可以忽略它,除非您为 设置不同的值word-break。)

怎么做overflow-wrap: anywhereoverflow-wrap: break-word区别?

两者之间文档中的唯一区别是,在overflow-wrap: anywhere“计算最小内容内在大小”时“考虑由单词中断引入的软换行机会”,而overflow-wrap: break-word没有。


于 2020-03-05T17:02:11.443 回答

Here are the exact differences: (based on testing in Chrome v81, and confirming my observations by referencing the spec)


normal (default): collapses whitespace-chains and line-breaks; adds line-breaks where needed
nowrap: collapses whitespace-chains and line-breaks; doesn't add line-breaks
pre-line: collapses whitespace-chains; adds line-breaks where needed
pre-wrap: no collapsing; adds line-breaks where needed
break-spaces: same as pre-wrap, except with spaces able to trigger line-break-adding
pre: no collapsing; doesn't add line-breaks

Note: If the selected white-space value lists "doesn't add line-breaks", the line-break behavior of the following properties is unable to be applied (ie. ignored).


normal (default): breaks line at end of last word fitting within container [if one exists], else line left unbroken
break-word: breaks line at end of last word fitting within container [if one exists], else at end of container
break-all: breaks line at end of container [can split a word, even with nearby whitespace]

overflow-wrap (legacy name: word-wrap)

normal (default): breaks line at end of last word fitting within container [if one exists], else line left unbroken
break-word: breaks line at end of last word fitting within container [if one exists], else at end of container [if in non-flex container], else line left unbroken
anywhere: breaks line at end of last word fitting within container [if one exists], else at end of container [so same as word-break: break-word]

Note that for overflow-wrap: break-word (as for any combination that leaves lines too long for the container), the unbroken line can cause a flex container to expand beyond the flex ratio specified (forcing other flex containers to shrink to account for the too-long content).

于 2020-05-18T09:40:25.150 回答