我对 Java 比较陌生,目前在夜间课程中学习它。我无法正确设置构造函数,以便将输入的值移动到数组中。我有下面的代码,似乎各个字段都被正确传递,但数组没有被填充,我不知道我做错了什么。我已经翻阅了我的笔记、教科书并查看了这里。我可能只是盯着它太久了!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static Scanner InOut = new Scanner(System.in);
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
//* Declare and initalize variables. Set maximum number of students to 6.
String surname = "", forename = "", course = "a", newCourse, tmpStu ="";
int firstMark = 0, secondMark = 0, thirdMark = 0, finalScore = 0,
option = 0, studentCount = 0, delNum, index = 0;
final int MAXSTUDENT = 6;
Student[] myClass = new Student[MAXSTUDENT];
//* Set class details for the constructor.
while (option != 6) {
//* Call the menu system to be displayed
option = menu();
switch (option) {
//* Checks the value return by the menu for the selected option
case 1:
//* Checks that the maximum number of students has not been exceeded.
if (studentCount >= MAXSTUDENT) {
System.out.println("Maximum number of student entered. \n\n");
} else {
//* Enter in the student details
InOut.nextLine(); /* ensures that the buffer is cleared*/
System.out.println("Enter student surname: ");
surname = InOut.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter student forename: ");
forename = InOut.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter 1st mark: ");
firstMark = InOut.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter 2nd mark: ");
secondMark = InOut.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter 3rd mark: ");
thirdMark = InOut.nextInt();
finalScore = 0;
//* Passes the entered paramaters to add the student details to the object class.
//* Increases the student counter by 1.
myClass[studentCount] = new Student(surname, forename, course, firstMark, secondMark, thirdMark, finalScore);
case 2:
//* Enter in the student number to be deleted. Number is passed for deletion.
//* Reduces the number of student counter.
System.out.println("Delete which student?");
delNum = InOut.nextInt();
deleteStudent(delNum, studentCount);
case 3:
//* Allows for the course name to be updated.
InOut.nextLine(); /* ensures that the buffer is cleared*/
System.out.println("Enter new course: ");
newCourse = InOut.nextLine();
case 4:
//* Display all details stored in the object class.
for (index = 0; index < studentCount; index = index + 1){
case 5:
//* Input the surname of student and this name is passed to
//* display the details for this student only.
InOut.nextLine(); /* ensures that the buffer is cleared*/
System.out.println("Enter surname of student you want to search for: ");
String searchName = InOut.nextLine();
//* searchStudent(myClass, searchName, index, studentCount);
case 6:
//* Exit program
System.out.println("End of program");
System.out.println("Invalid option");
public static int menu() {
//* Display menu options and returns selection.
System.out.println("****Student Menu****");
System.out.println("1. Add new student details");
System.out.println("2. Delete Student");
System.out.println("3. Change Course");
System.out.println("4. Display All Student Details");
System.out.println("5. Search Student by Name");
System.out.println("6. Exit");
System.out.println("\nInput an option:");
int option = InOut.nextInt();
return option;
public void addStudent(String surname, String forename, String course, int firstMark, int secondMark, int thirdMark, int finalScore)
//* Accepts passed paramaters of student details and adds them into the object class.
public static void deleteStudent(int delNum, int studentCount)
//* Accepts student array number to be deleted and displays details of all
//* students still stored.
//* int asize = myClass.length, index;
//* for (index = delNum +1; index < asize; index++)
//* {
//* myClass[index-1] = myClass[index];
//* }
//* studentCount --;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Student {
private String surname, forename;
private int firstMark, secondMark, thirdMark, finalScore, index;
private int stuCount = 0;
private final int NUMMARK = 3;
private static String course = "French";
Scanner InOut = new Scanner(System.in);
public Student(String surname, String forename, String course, int firstMark, int secondMark, int thirdMark, int finalScore)
this.surname = surname;
this.forename = forename;
this.course = course;
this.firstMark = firstMark;
this.secondMark = secondMark;
this.thirdMark = thirdMark;
finalScore = ((firstMark + secondMark + thirdMark)/ NUMMARK);
this.finalScore = finalScore;
public static void setCourse (String newCourse) {
course = newCourse;
private String getDetails()
//* Builds student details and returns them to be displayed.
String details = "Student Name: " + surname + ", " + forename +"\n";
details = details + "Course Name: " + course + "\n";
details = details + "Student's Marks: " + firstMark + ", " + secondMark + ", " + thirdMark + "\n";
details = details + "Final Mark: " + finalScore + "\n";
return details;
public static void displayDetails(int index)
//* Displays all student details that have been entered using the student counter
//* for the number of times to loop.
//* if (myClass[index] != null) {
//* System.out.println(myClass[index].getDetails());
//* }