
下面的脚本将创建 ftp 帐户,但它在“添加 ftp 帐户”这一行中定义为测试目录,如何将此脚本连接到 html 表单,以便该脚本可以通过该 html 表单创建一个 ftp 帐户。谢谢你

$conn = array ( 'host' => 'Domain Name'
              , 'port' => '2083'
              , 'user' => 'Not Avi'
              , 'pass' => 'Not Avi'
              ) ;

function cpanel_api ( $conn , $type , $user , $pass , $domain )
 if ( $conn [ 'port' ] == '2087' || $conn [ 'port' ] == '2083' || $conn [ 'port' ] == '443' )
    $site = 'https://' . $conn [ 'host' ] . ':' . $conn [ 'port' ] ;
 } else {
    $site = 'http://' . $conn [ 'host' ] . ':' . $conn [ 'port' ] ;

 switch ( $type )
    case 'add_ftp' :
     $xmlin = '<cpanelaction><module>Ftp</module><func>addftp</func><apiversion>1</apiversion><args>' . $user . '</args><args>' . $pass . '</args><args>/' . $user . '</args><args>20</args></cpanelaction>' ;
     break ;

    case 'del_ftp' :
     $xmlin = '<cpanelaction><module>Ftp</module><func>delftp</func><apiversion>1</apiversion><args>' . $user . '</args><args>1</args></cpanelaction>' ;
     break ;

    case 'add_subdomain' :
     $xmlin = '<cpanelaction><module>SubDomain</module><func>addsubdomain</func><apiversion>1</apiversion><args>' . $user . '</args><args>' . $domain . '</args><args>0</args><args>0</args><args>/' . $user . '</args></cpanelaction>' ;
     break ;

    case 'del_subdomain' :
     $xmlin = '<cpanelaction><module>SubDomain</module><func>delsubdomain</func><apiversion>2</apiversion><args><domain>' . $user . $domain . '</domain></args></cpanelaction>' ;
     break ;

    default :
     echo 'Type error' ;

 if ( $type == 'add_ftp' || $type == 'del_ftp' || $type == 'add_subdomain' || $type == 'del_subdomain' )
  $query = '/xml-api/cpanel?user=' . $conn [ 'user' ] . '&xmlin=' . $xmlin ;

  $curl = curl_init ( ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , 0 ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST , 0 ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD        , $conn [ 'user' ] . ':' . $conn [ 'pass' ] ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER         , 0 ) ;
  curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_URL            , $site . $query ) ;
  $result = curl_exec ( $curl ) ;
  curl_close ( $curl ) ;

/***** ADD Subdomain and FTP Account *****/
cpanel_api ( $conn , 'add_subdomain' , 'test' , '0123456789' , '.domain.com' ) ;
cpanel_api ( $conn , 'add_ftp'       , 'test' , '0123456789' , '.domain.com' ) ;

/***** DEL Subdomain and FTP Account *****/
//cpanel_api ( $conn , 'del_subdomain' , 'test' , '0123456789' , '.domain.com' ) ;
//cpanel_api ( $conn , 'del_ftp'       , 'test' , '0123456789' , '.domain.com' ) ;

1 回答 1


如何在 cpanel 中创建 ftp 帐户:

$user = $cpenal_user; // the cpenal root username
$pass = $cpenal_pass; // the cpanel root password
$domain = $site_domain; // the cpanel root domain
$fquota = $drive_space; // ftp disc space mb (for new ftp account)
$skin = 'x3'; // cpnel version

$fuser =  //the username for the new  FTP account
$fpass =  //default password for new ftp account

$uri = '/directiry/'; // the internal URL to the FTP home folder /directiry/ 

if (mkdir($uri, 0777)) { //make the tmp directory
    $fDirectory = '/directiry/';

    //$fuser = $feedUser;

    $fhomedir = '/public_html/' . $fDirectory;

    $url = "https://$user:$pass@$domain:2083/frontend/$skin/ftp/doaddftp.html?";
    $url = $url . "login=$fuser&password=$fpass&homedir=$fhomedir&quota=$fquota";

    $result = @file_get_contents($url);
    if (preg_match('/(Account created successfully)/', $result)) {

       //ftp created with new directory
    }} ?>
于 2015-01-05T16:16:35.270 回答