I have been using EJS with Express and Node.JS for a little while now and I think I understand the basics. I have experimented with the EJS include function which has allowed me to include one template inside of another. I have also used a library called ejs-locals which provides easy true layout support. One thing I noticed is that ejs-locals also defines partial and block functions which may be used with EJS. I cannot seem to find a good explanation on what the differences between these three concepts are. As far as I can tell they are general concepts to templating and not only EJS. It seems to me that both partial and block are still ways of including other template files, but how do they differ?


1 回答 1



partials: 与 几乎相同include,不同之处在于部分只能访问您在渲染时传递给它的变量。


于 2013-06-23T16:09:11.173 回答