There are quite a few questions on this topic, but there are no satisfactory answers unitl now, e.g this.

I'm using Eclipse Kepler (20130529-2219), with ME2 ( and Eclipse Git Team Provider (Java implementation of GIT So I started with great expectations after reading how great git is.

Firstly, I opened an existing project and removed all the .svn rubbish and commited it to a local git repository. Perfect - now it is time to push the files to a remote repository. After having some problems creating the known_hosts file on Windows the push was successful.

Now the problems started: I wanted to pull changes for the repository, but "... not configured for pull". OK, here it was discussed that this is a common issue, and you have to delete the project and then reimport it from a remote server to allow pulling.

Hence, I set up everything again and pulled the project. Until now I was always told that .project files should not be commit to version control, therefore I didn't include them. The "import -> import from git -> local"-menu does not recognize the files in the repo as a Java project. I can therefore only import the project as a general project or use the project wizzard and set up a new Maven project, which is stupid because all information already exists in the POM.xml. If I do a plain project import, Eclipse does not know that it is a Java or Maven project and throws tonnes of errors.

Question (skip detailed problem): Is there some less awkward way to import a Maven and Java project from a remote git repo when no .project file exists?


2 回答 2


最简单的解决方案:在你的 git repo 中 包含.project(如this answer中)。

并且还包括.classpath, 因为您现在可以在其中引用相对路径,而不是绝对路径:请参阅“.classpath.project- 是否检查版本控制?

于 2013-06-23T11:26:57.033 回答

我找到了将 .project 文件排除在 Git 版本控制之外的替代方法。正如您所说, pom.xml 文件应该足以让 IDE 确定它是一个 maven 项目(它是)。

假设您已将项目推送到 Git(没有 .project 文件),现在您想将该项目导入 Eclipse。

  1. 确保您已将 Git 存储库添加到 Git 透视图中
  2. 转到 J2EE Perspective 并双击 Navigation View 上的空白区域。导入 -> 现有的 Maven 项目
  3. 浏览到您的 Git 存储库位置,瞧!Eclipse 应该捕获所有 pom.xml 文件并确定它们是独立的 Maven 项目

在我的情况下,这可以提取位于同一个 Git 存储库中的多个项目,每个项目只存储 pom.xml 文件(根本没有 .project)

于 2017-04-20T19:16:35.383 回答