Here is relevant code from my controller:
public StoreLocationType[] getStoreLocationTypes() {
return StoreLocationType.values();
Here is the definition of StoreLocationType, defined in the same controller:
private enum StoreLocationType {
private String displayName;
private String value;
private StoreLocationType(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
this.value =;
public String getDisplayName() {
return this.displayName;
public String getValue() {
return this.value;
Here is the the relevant JSP code:
<label>Location Type:</label>
<form:radiobuttons path="StoreLocationType" items="${store_location_types}" itemLabel="displayName" itemValue="value"/>
Here is what gets generated when the page is rendered:
<label>Location Type:</label>
<input id="StoreLocationType1" name="StoreLocationType" type="radio" value="">
<label for="StoreLocationType1">Physical</label>
<input id="StoreLocationType2" name="StoreLocationType" type="radio" value="">
<label for="StoreLocationType2">Online</label>
The value attributes are not being populated with the "value" field of my enum. What am I doing wrong here? What I would expect to see is this:
<input id="StoreLocationType1" name="StoreLocationType" type="radio" value="PHYSICAL">
<label for="StoreLocationType1">Physical</label>
<input id="StoreLocationType2" name="StoreLocationType" type="radio" value="ONLINE">
<label for="StoreLocationType2">Online</label>
The value attribute of the input tag should be the value of StorLocationType.ONLINE.getValue()