下面是一个有效的概念证明(使用 json4s 和旧 Scalaz 镜头实现的副本,借自 Daniel Sobral 对Cleaner way to update nested structures的回答):
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import native.Serialization.write
class Parent(val name:String, val age:Int, val kids:List[Kid]){
override def toString() = s"""$name is $age years old, her/his kids are ${kids.mkString(", ")}."""
def copy(name:String = name, age:Int = age, kids:List[Kid] = kids) =
new Parent(name, age, kids)
class Kid(val name:String, val age:Int){
override def toString() = s"""$name ($age)"""
def copy(name:String = name, age:Int = age) =
new Kid(name, age)
object TestJson {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val json = """{"name":"John", "age":41, "kids":[{"name":"Mary", "age":10}, {"name":"Tom", "age":7}]}"""
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val parentKidsLens = Lens(
get = (_: Parent).kids,
set = (p: Parent, kids: List[Kid]) => p.copy(kids = kids))
val firstKidLens = Lens(
get = (_: List[Kid]).head,
set = (kds: List[Kid], kid: Kid) => kid :: kds.tail)
val kidAgeLens = Lens(
get = (_: Kid).age,
set = (k: Kid, age: Int) => k.copy(age = age))
val parentFirstKidAgeLens = parentKidsLens andThen firstKidLens andThen kidAgeLens
println( parentFirstKidAgeLens.mod(parse(json).extract[Parent], age => age + 1) )
case class Lens[A,B](get: A => B, set: (A,B) => A) extends Function1[A,B] with Immutable {
def apply(whole: A): B = get(whole)
def updated(whole: A, part: B): A = set(whole, part)
def mod(a: A, f: B => B) = set(a, f(this(a)))
def compose[C](that: Lens[C,A]) = Lens[C,B](
c => this(that(c)),
(c, b) => that.mod(c, set(_, b))
def andThen[C](that: Lens[B,C]) = that compose this