
我们可以使用 net-beans IDE 创建基于 Java GUI 的应用程序,也可以使用 Notepad 创建它。使用 netbeans 或 eclipse 很容易。但我看到每个人都使用记事本的地方。所以我只想知道创建 Java GUI 应用程序的最佳方式。


1 回答 1


Its better preferring some IDE like Netbeans , Eclipse since because, you can consume time in creating the gui by utilizing the features like drag and drop, in-build function support suggestion which proper demonstration of usage and syntax.

If you are developing gui from scratch using notepad, it may takes more time, one developing things in that way should be thorough knowledge in syntax and all other functionalities

The Java Tutorials on Swing are a pretty good resource. If you don't like hand-coding your UI with Java code there are several GUI builders out there where you can lay out your UI visually and just fill in the behaviour in code-behind. E.g. Netbeans has such a thing and there is WindowBuilder for Eclipse.

于 2013-06-22T11:38:47.533 回答