我正在尝试使用带有 lambda 委托的表达式来获取调用方法的名称,但它的格式不正确。

到目前为止,这是我所拥有的:问题是..对于 lambda 和常规方法,我如何获得类似于 foo.Method.Name 的期望?


< HandleAddedDevice >b__2d

    // **************************************************************************
    public delegate TResult TimerDelegateOut <T, out TResult>(out T foo);

    // **************************************************************************
    public static string GetName<T>(this Expression<T> expression) {
      var callExpression = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
      return callExpression != null ? callExpression.Method.Name : string.Empty;

    // **************************************************************************
    public static Expression<TimerDelegateOut<T, TResult>> ToExpression<T, TResult>(this TimerDelegateOut<T, TResult> call) {
      var p1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T).MakeByRefType(), "value");
      MethodCallExpression methodCall = call.Target == null
          ? Expression.Call(call.Method, p1)
          : Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(call.Target), call.Method, p1);
      return Expression.Lambda<TimerDelegateOut<T, TResult>>(methodCall, p1);

    // **************************************************************************
    public static Expression<Func<TResult>> ToExpression<TResult>(this Func<TResult> call) {
      MethodCallExpression methodCall = call.Target == null
        ? Expression.Call(call.Method)
        : Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(call.Target), call.Method);
      return Expression.Lambda<Func<TResult>>(methodCall);

    // **************************************************************************
    public static TResult TimeFunction<T, TResult>(TimerDelegateOut<T, TResult> foo, out T bar) {
      try {
        var result = foo.ToExpression().Compile().Invoke(out bar);
        Console.WriteLine(foo.GetName());   // is OKAY
        return result;
      } catch (Exception) {
        bar = default(T);
        return default(TResult);

    // **************************************************************************
    public static TResult TimeFunction<TResult>(Func<TResult> foo) {
      try {
        var result = foo.ToExpression().Compile().Invoke();
        Console.WriteLine(foo.GetName());   // <-- prints "foo" ???  Not correct.
        return result;
      } catch (Exception) {
        bar = default(T);
        return default(TResult);

Result GetCamera_HWInfo(out Cam_HWInfo obj)
  obj = new Cam_HWInfo() { < fill container here > };
  return Result.cmrOk;

private void HandleAddedDevice() {

  Cam_HWInfo camHWInfo;
  Result result = Watchdog.TimeFunction(GetCamera_HWInfo, out camHWInfo);


  // Try this one.. I am also using.
  var connect = new Func<bool>(delegate {
    try {
      // ...
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      return false;
    return true;

  result = Watchdog.TimeFunction(connect);

// Assume OEP
static void Main(string[] args)

这是一个测试驱动程序,我可以在一个简单的情况下展示我所期望的。我需要支持的 3x 方法是:

  1. Func<T, TR>()
  2. Func<T, TR>(T foo)
  3. Func<T, TR>(out T foo)

示例: Lambda 表达式是无名的。它将显示类似 <No Name> 的内容。


< HandleAddedDevice >b__2d

我在这里读到,我可能需要将其设为表达式,然后将 Expression.Compile() 转换为 Action(或者在我的情况下为 Func)?


      class Program {
        public static class ReflectionUtility {
          public static string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression) {
            MemberExpression body = (MemberExpression) expression.Body;
            return body.Member.Name;

        static void Main(string[] args) {
          Func<int, bool> lambda = i => i < 5;
          Func<int, bool> del = delegate(int i) { return i < 5; };

          // Create similar expression #1.
          Expression<Func<int, bool>> expr1 = i => i < 5;
          // Compile the expression tree into executable code.
          Func<int, bool> exprC1 = expr1.Compile();

          // Invoke the method and print the output.
          Console.WriteLine("lambda(4) = {0}   :  {1} ", lambda(4), lambda.Method.Name);
          Console.WriteLine("del   (4) = {0}   :  {1} ",    del(4), del.Method.Name);
          Console.WriteLine("expr1 (4) = {0}   :  {1} ", exprC1(4), exprC1.Method.Name);
          Console.WriteLine("          =           {0}", ReflectionUtility.GetPropertyName(() => lambda));
          Console.WriteLine("          =           {0}", ReflectionUtility.GetPropertyName(() => del));

          Console.Write("Press any key to continue...");


lambda(4) = True   :  <Main>b__0
del   (4) = True   :  <Main>b__1
expr1 (4) = True   :  lambda_method
          =           lambda
          =           del
Press any key to continue...

2 回答 2


我不认为这是可能的。在编译器错误 CS1951 上,他们写道:


于 2013-06-22T08:20:23.410 回答


public static string GetName<T>(Expression<T> field)
    var callExpression = field.Body as MethodCallExpression;
    return callExpression != null ? callExpression.Method.Name : string.Empty;
于 2013-06-25T18:14:25.367 回答