我正在开发一个 Android 应用程序。在我的应用程序中,我必须显示一个具有多种颜色的条形图所以我使用了 charts4j 库。我使用了以下链接charts4j 示例中的代码。
public static String getBarChartUrl()
BarChartPlot team1 = Plots.newBarChartPlot( Data.newData( 25, 43, 12, 30,32,25, 43, 12, 30,32,25,25, 43, 12, 30,32,25 ), BLUEVIOLET, "Team A" );
BarChartPlot team2 = Plots.newBarChartPlot( Data.newData( 8, 35, 11, 5,9,25, 35, 11, 5,9,25,25, 43, 12, 30,32,25 ), ORANGERED, "Team B" );
BarChartPlot team3 = Plots.newBarChartPlot( Data.newData( 10, 20, 30, 30 ,15,32, 20, 30, 30 ,15,32,25, 43, 12, 30,32,25), LIMEGREEN, "Team C" );
// Instantiating chart.
BarChart chart = GCharts.newBarChart( team1, team2, team3 );
// Defining axis info and styles
AxisStyle axisStyle = AxisStyle.newAxisStyle( BLACK, 13, AxisTextAlignment.CENTER );
AxisLabels score = AxisLabelsFactory.newAxisLabels( "Score", 50.0 );
score.setAxisStyle( axisStyle );
AxisLabels year = AxisLabelsFactory.newAxisLabels( "Year", 50.0 );
year.setAxisStyle( axisStyle );
// Adding axis info to chart.
chart.addXAxisLabels( AxisLabelsFactory.newAxisLabels( "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005","2006","2007","2008","2009","2010","2011","2012","2013","2014","2015","2016","2017","2018" ) );
chart.addYAxisLabels( AxisLabelsFactory.newNumericRangeAxisLabels( 0, 100 ) );
chart.addYAxisLabels( score );
chart.addXAxisLabels( year );
chart.setSize( 600, 450 );
chart.setBarWidth( 50 );
chart.setSpaceWithinGroupsOfBars( 20 );
chart.setDataStacked( true );
chart.setTitle( "Team Scores", BLACK, 16 );
chart.setGrid( 100, 10, 3, 2 );
chart.setBackgroundFill( Fills.newSolidFill( ALICEBLUE ) );
LinearGradientFill fill = Fills.newLinearGradientFill( 0, LAVENDER, 100 );
fill.addColorAndOffset( WHITE, 0 );
chart.setAreaFill( fill );
String url = chart.toURLString();
return normalize( url );
1)根据数据,图表必须显示 17 个条形图,但仅显示 8 个条形图[从 2002 年到 2018 年现在仅显示到 2009 年]。如何通过水平滚动查看剩余的条形图。
如果数量更多,则我无法查看标签。请参阅第一个 iamge。