I am doing android "face-detection" application using OpenCV. For this I have downloaded the OpenCV-2.4.5-android-sdk and used the "face-detection" sample. The application is working good but the video streaming is too slow. So I want to speed up the application using TBB build.

I found that "Enabled multi-threading support with TBB" from


and also "The good news is that Intel TBB had been build for Android and tested with some OpenCV samples" from the following link.


But I don't know how to build the TBB with "face-detection" sample. Can someone give me the steps to build TBB with the android OpenCV sample?


Finally I found that "OpenCV-2.4.5-android-sdk" basically comes with TBB.

(i.e)libtbb.a available in "\OpenCV-2.4.5-android-sdk\sdk\native\3rdparty\libs\armeabi-v7a" folder

and tbb-("OPENCV_3RDPARTY_COMPONENTS:=tbb libjpeg libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf") is included in "\OpenCV-2.4.5-android-sdk\sdk\native\jni\OpenCV.mk" file

But I don't know exactly this is correct. Please can anybody tell me is this correct or not?


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