如果这不是家庭作业,请按照@StinePike 的建议使用 Collections.shuffle。如果是,你应该知道你没有正确洗牌。也就是说,并非所有结果的可能性都相同。这是您的算法生成的直方图(带有@Jason 的更正)对 3 个数字进行洗牌:
[1, 2, 3]: ***********************
[2, 3, 1]: ******************
[3, 2, 1]: **********************
[3, 1, 2]: ******************
[2, 1, 3]: **********************
[1, 3, 2]: **********************
[1, 2, 3]: *********************
[2, 3, 1]: *********************
[3, 2, 1]: *********************
[3, 1, 2]: *********************
[2, 1, 3]: *********************
[1, 3, 2]: *********************
Collections.shuffle(deck) 是正确的,如下所示:
public static <T> void shuffle(List<T> deck){
int rand;
for (int i = 0; i < deck.size()-1; i++) {
// We randomly choose rand between i (inclusive) and deck.size()-1
rand = i + randomGenerator.nextInt(deck.size()-i);
// swap i and rand
T temp = deck.get(rand);
deck.set(rand, deck.get(i));
deck.set(i, temp);
这是我用来生成直方图的代码。请注意,排列并不总是以相同的顺序出现,但相同的排列([2,3,1] 和 [3,1,2])始终不太可能出现。
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<List<Integer>,Long> histogram = new HashMap<>();
int logReps = 20;
int scaleStar = logReps-7;
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3));
for (int i = 0; i<(1<<logReps); i++) {
List<Integer> templist = new ArrayList<Integer>(list);
if( histogram.containsKey(templist)) {
} else {
for(Entry<List<Integer>,Long> entry : histogram.entrySet()) {
System.out.print(entry.getKey()+": ");
for (int i=0; i<(entry.getValue()>>>scaleStar); i++) {
static Random randomGenerator = new Random();
public static void badShuffle(List<Integer> deck){
int rand1;
int rand2;
for (int i = 0; i < deck.size(); i++) {
// pick a random index between 0 and size of the deck - 1
rand1 = randomGenerator.nextInt(deck.size());
rand2 = randomGenerator.nextInt(deck.size());
// swap rand1 and rand2
Integer temp = deck.get (rand1);
deck.set(rand1, deck.get (rand2));
deck.set(rand2, temp);
public static <T> void goodShuffle(List<T> deck){
int rand;
for (int i = 0; i < deck.size()-1; i++) {
// We randomly choose rand between i (inclusive) and deck.size()-1
rand = i + randomGenerator.nextInt(deck.size()-i);
// swap i and rand
T temp = deck.get(rand);
deck.set(rand, deck.get(i));
deck.set(i, temp);
public static void libraryShuffle(List<Integer> deck){