In the Groovy delegation article here (http://groovy.codehaus.org/Delegate+transformation), I am confused by the following code:

After outlining:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat

class Event {
    @Delegate Date when
    String title, url

def df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")

def gr8conf = new Event(title: "GR8 Conference",
                          url: "http://www.gr8conf.org",
                         when: df.parse("2009/05/18"))
def javaOne = new Event(title: "JavaOne",
                          url: "http://java.sun.com/javaone/",
                         when: df.parse("2009/06/02"))

assert gr8conf.before(javaOne.when)

The article explains that the following can be used:

class Event extends Date {
    @Delegate Date when
    String title, url

However, in this following example, is it not redundant to have both inheritance and composition (delegation) especially in the context of "Prefer composition over inheritance?" ? Also, how does this not create a conflict (i.e. which methods are "delegated" to the delegate Date and which are called to the Date class from which the event inherits?


1 回答 1


Isn't the difference, that the first one delegates to Date methods but as it doesn't extend Date it can't be sent to a method that takes a Date parameter.

By adding the extends Date, you avoid this limitation

于 2013-06-22T18:46:34.070 回答