我正在创建一个可以读取电气设备标签的 OPC 客户端。这是通过在 OPC 组中设置项目来完成的。我想要一个 bool[] 数组的属性来将项目设置为活动或非活动。我需要知道该属性 bool[] 的哪个索引用于设置属性,以便我可以使用它来激活该项目。我可以只使用一种方法,但更喜欢属性。_theGroup 是保存项目的 OPC 组。

private bool[] _ItemActive;    
public bool[] itemActive {
    get { return _ItemActive; }
    set {
        if (_theGroup != null) {
            int itemIndex = ?? // I don't know how to find property index access by user
            int itemHandle = itemHandles[itemIndex]; //uses index to discover handle
            _theGroup.SetActiveState(itemHandle, value, out err); // use handle to set item active
        _ItemActive = value;


opcClient.itemActive[3] = false;

我需要能够发现 3 并将其插入到我的 bool[] 数组的 setter 中显示的 itemIndex 中


2 回答 2


您可以使用覆盖的索引器运算符创建自定义集合,您可以在其中执行自定义逻辑。但是创建一个 setter 方法SetItemActivation(int,bool)似乎是一个更清洁的解决方案。

于 2013-06-21T20:50:48.023 回答


// This class tracks changes to its entries
public class BoolArray_Tracked{
  // Set up the data for which changes at specific indices must be tracked
  private bool[] _trackedBools;
  public bool this[int itemIndex]{
    get { return _trackedBools[itemIndex]; }
    set {
      // check if something really changed
      // not sure if you want this
      if(_trackedBools[itemIndex] != value){
      _trackedBools[itemIndex] = value;
      OnIndexChanged(itemIndex, value);// Raise an event for changing the data

  // Constructor
  public BoolArray_Tracked(bool[] _trackedBools){
    this._trackedBools = _trackedBools;

  // Set up the event raiser
  public delegate void IndexEventHandler(object sender, IndexEventArgs a);
  public event IndexEventHandler RaiseIndexEvent;

  // Raise an event for changing the data
  private void OnIndexChanged(int indexNumber, bool boolValue){
    if (RaiseIndexEvent != null)
      RaiseIndexEvent(this, new IndexEventArgs(indexNumber, boolValue));

// This is class enables events with integer and boolean fields
public class IndexEventArgs : EventArgs{
  public int Index{get; private set;}
  public bool Value{get; private set;}

  public IndexEventArgs(int _index, bool _value){
    Index = _index;
    Value = _value;

接下来实现 OPC 类:

class OPC_client{
  // Tracked bool array
  public BoolArray_Tracked ItemActive{get; set;}

  // Constructor
  public OPC_client(bool[] boolItemActive){
    ItemActive = new BoolArray_Tracked(boolItemActive);
    ItemActive.RaiseIndexEvent += Handle_ItemActive_IndexChange;

  // State what should happen when an item changes
  private void Handle_ItemActive_IndexChange(object sender, IndexEventArgs e){
    //if (_theGroup != null) {//Your code in the question
      int itemIndex = e.Index; 
      //int itemHandle = itemHandles[itemIndex]; //Your code
      //_theGroup.SetActiveState(itemHandle, value, out err); // Yours
    //} //Your code

    Console.WriteLine("The array `ItemActive' was changed"
      + " at entry " + itemIndex.ToString() 
      + " to value " + e.Value.ToString());


static void Main(string[] args){
  OPC_client opcTest = new OPC_client(new bool[]{true, false});
  Console.WriteLine("Testing if message appears if value stays the same");
  opcTest.ItemActive[0] = true;

  Console.WriteLine("Testing if message appears if value changes");
  opcTest.ItemActive[0] = false;
于 2013-12-01T21:05:09.997 回答