// This class tracks changes to its entries
public class BoolArray_Tracked{
// Set up the data for which changes at specific indices must be tracked
private bool[] _trackedBools;
public bool this[int itemIndex]{
get { return _trackedBools[itemIndex]; }
set {
// check if something really changed
// not sure if you want this
if(_trackedBools[itemIndex] != value){
_trackedBools[itemIndex] = value;
OnIndexChanged(itemIndex, value);// Raise an event for changing the data
// Constructor
public BoolArray_Tracked(bool[] _trackedBools){
this._trackedBools = _trackedBools;
// Set up the event raiser
public delegate void IndexEventHandler(object sender, IndexEventArgs a);
public event IndexEventHandler RaiseIndexEvent;
// Raise an event for changing the data
private void OnIndexChanged(int indexNumber, bool boolValue){
if (RaiseIndexEvent != null)
RaiseIndexEvent(this, new IndexEventArgs(indexNumber, boolValue));
// This is class enables events with integer and boolean fields
public class IndexEventArgs : EventArgs{
public int Index{get; private set;}
public bool Value{get; private set;}
public IndexEventArgs(int _index, bool _value){
Index = _index;
Value = _value;
接下来实现 OPC 类:
class OPC_client{
// Tracked bool array
public BoolArray_Tracked ItemActive{get; set;}
// Constructor
public OPC_client(bool[] boolItemActive){
ItemActive = new BoolArray_Tracked(boolItemActive);
ItemActive.RaiseIndexEvent += Handle_ItemActive_IndexChange;
// State what should happen when an item changes
private void Handle_ItemActive_IndexChange(object sender, IndexEventArgs e){
//if (_theGroup != null) {//Your code in the question
int itemIndex = e.Index;
//int itemHandle = itemHandles[itemIndex]; //Your code
//_theGroup.SetActiveState(itemHandle, value, out err); // Yours
//} //Your code
Console.WriteLine("The array `ItemActive' was changed"
+ " at entry " + itemIndex.ToString()
+ " to value " + e.Value.ToString());
static void Main(string[] args){
OPC_client opcTest = new OPC_client(new bool[]{true, false});
Console.WriteLine("Testing if message appears if value stays the same");
opcTest.ItemActive[0] = true;
Console.WriteLine("Testing if message appears if value changes");
opcTest.ItemActive[0] = false;