I'm having some trouble using reflection in Java. I'm attempting to save a method of a data structure but getting an error. The error is

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: cs671.eval.SerialList.add(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String)

The method, in this case, that I'm trying to get is the add method for a SerialList that takes a Comparable and an Object as its parameters.

structType = "cs671.eval.SerialList", keyType = "java.lang.Integer", and valType = "java.lang.String" are strings that were read in from a file.

Class dataClass = null, comparableClass = null, objectClass = null;

try{ // create data structure
    dataClass = Class.forName(structType); 
    comparableClass = Class.forName(keyType);
    objectClass = Class.forName(valType);
catch(ClassNotFoundException e){}

java.lang.Object structObj = null;

try{ // Create a data structure object
    structObj = dataClass.newInstance();
catch(Exception e){}
Method m = null;
try{ // Attempt to get add method for the data structure
    m = dataClass.getMethod("add", comparableClass, objectClass); // This is where it fails
catch(Exception e){}

Basically I'm trying to get the right method on the right datastructure with the correct classes that are going to get passed into that method but I don't know how to tell the getMethod method that those classes (comparableClass and objectClass) are the correct ones.

Thanks in advance!

Added: Here's the SerialList's add method signature public void add(java.lang.Comparable, java.lang.Object)


4 回答 4


你是说 -

在这种情况下,我试图获取的方法是 SerialList 的 add 方法,该方法将ComparableObject作为其参数。

但是通过课程 - java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String.

getMethod()只是一个注释 -对于您必须使用的非公众,只有公共方法是可见的getDeclaredMethod()

于 2013-06-21T20:35:14.057 回答


在 C 类中找到匹配的方法:如果 C 声明了一个具有指定名称和完全相同的形参类型的公共方法,则该方法被反映。如果在 C 中发现了多个这样的方法,并且其中一个方法的返回类型比其他任何方法都更具体,则反映该方法;否则任意选择其中一种方法。

=> 你需要通过 java.lang.Comparable.class&java.lang.Object.class

于 2013-06-21T20:54:32.607 回答


但是,如果由于某种原因您在编译时不知道形参,那么您可以遍历类中的所有方法,直到找到适合您的参数的方法(或找到适合您的参数的最具体的方法) .

在 apache commons bean utils 中已经编写了执行此操作的功能,特别是在org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils.invokeMethod(...)MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(...)中。


于 2013-06-21T21:36:03.790 回答



Method[] methods = dataClass.getMethods();
boolean matched = false;
// find a matching method by name
for (Method method: methods) {
   Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
   if ( "add".equals(method.getName()) && parameterTypes.length == 2 ) {
       // method is your target method 
       // however you'll need more strict checks if there can be another add method
       // in your class with 2 different parameter types
于 2013-06-21T21:16:15.910 回答