I'm evaluating deploying Redis on windows azure to support an application I'm building. I've found a couple of different methods for deployment.

  1. The first is to create a worker-role for redis-server.exe, and set the ProgramEntryPoint in the csdef file - Howto get Redis running on Azure?

  2. The other is to use the tool RedisInstWA by following these instructions

If I use option 1, then Redis' db file will be overwritten on each deployment.

I see in the documentation that RedisInstWA uses an Azure Storage Account, is that used to store the database files, for staging components for deployment, something else? Is there a way to maintain the redis dbs across deployments? Or is there a way to grab a copy of the db file, so it can be deployed along with the server to ensure data isn't lost on subsequent deployments (should they be necessary).


2 回答 2


或者,您可以将其托管在持久且持久的 Windows Azure 虚拟机上。

于 2013-06-21T17:08:35.930 回答

Jason,您应该能够根据需要重新运行 RedisInstWA 以重新部署可执行文件,并且您的数据将保留在您设置的 Azure 存储帐户中。你试过了吗?

于 2013-06-26T20:12:12.157 回答