我对 perl 很陌生,并且正在努力让这个脚本工作。
我已经采取了碎片或 perl 并将它们作为单独的部分工作,但是在尝试将它们混合在一起时它失败了。即使出现错误消息,我也找不到我的错误在哪里。
我的问题是,当它为数组中的每个关键字执行循环时,它现在失败并出现错误消息“参数”不是数组元素中的数字“。Perl 将我引导到脚本中的一个部分,但我看不到我是如何错误地调用该元素的。数组中的所有元素都是 alpha,但错误消息是指数值。
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
# this version reads each variable and loops through the 18 times put only displays on per loop.
my $NODE = `uname -n`;
my $a = "/tmp/";
my $b = $NODE ;
my $c = "_deco.txt";
my $d = "_deco_mini.txt";
chomp $b;
my $STRING = "$a$b$c";
my $STRING_out = "$a$b$d";
my @keyword = ( "Report", "Last", "HP", "sulog", "sudo", "eTrust", "proftp", "process", "active clusters", "pdos", "syslog", "BNY", "syslogmon", "errpt", "ports", "crontab", "NFS", "scripts", "messages");
my $i = 0;
my $keyword="";
my $x=0;
my $y=0;
my $jw="";
my $EOS = "########################################################################";
my $qty_lines=0;
my $skip5=0;
my $skipcnt=0;
my $keeplines=0;
my @HPLOG="";
do {
print "Reading File: [$STRING]\n";
if (-e "$STRING" && open (IN, "$STRING")) {
# ++$x; # proving my loop worked
# print "$x interal loop counter\n"; # proving my loop worked
for ( ++$i) { # working
while ( <IN> ) {
chomp ;
#if ($_ =~ /$keyword/) {
#if ($_ =~ / $i /) {
#if ($_ =~ /$keyword[ $i ]/) {
if ($_ =~ /$keyword $i/) {
print " $i \n";
# print "$_\n";# $ not initalized error when tring to use it
if ($skip5) {
print "SKIP LINE: $_\n";
print "Header LINE: $_\n";
next if $skipcnt <= 5;
if ($keeplines) {
# ++$qty_lines; # for final output
last if $_ =~ /$EOS/;
print "KEEP LINE: $_\n";
# print "$qty_lines\n"; # for final output
push @HPLOG, "$_\n";
# push @HPLOG, "$qty_lines\n";# for final output
} ## end while ( <IN> )
} ## end for ( ++$i)
} ## end if (-e "$STRING" && open (IN, "$STRING"))
close (IN);
} while ( $i < 19 && ++$y < 18 );
这是一个示例部分或输入文件。################################################# #############################
Checking for active clusters.
root 11730980 12189848 0 11:24:20 pts/2 0:00 egrep hagsd|harnad|HACMP|haemd
If there are any processes listed you need to remove the server from the cluster.
This is the output from Pdos log
Please review it for anything that looks like a users may be trying to run something.
This server is not on Tamos
This is the output from syslog.conf.
Look for any entries on the right side column that are not the ususal logs or location.
# @(#)34 1.11 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf, cmdnet, bos610 4/27/04 14:47:53
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos610 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf 1.11