我正在使用来自第一次发布和 lucene 版本 1.4.3 的 lucene 代码。我使用简单的分析器来分析 txt 文件中的“book book book”数据。但是,当我使用 lukeall 浏览数据时,排名列显示“书”只出现一次,而我预计它是 3。



1 回答 1


What gave you the impression that Luke's "Rank" column would display the number of occurances of the term like that? I believe in 0.9, Rank displays the docfreq, that is, the number of documents in which the term appears (in later version, "Rank" is sequential, and "Freq" provides that statistic). Adding some more data to your index would likely clarify what those statistics are meant to indicate.

于 2013-06-21T15:39:50.667 回答