Could create post-types, team 1, team 2, team 3. Than create a single-team1.php and use that template file to list stuff that has to do with team 1. Example:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'team1',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
$team_one_stuff = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $team_one_stuff -> have_posts() ) : while ( $team_one_stuff->have_posts() ) : $team_one_stuff -> the_post();
<!-- Do WP stuff here -->
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
Wow, nothing assigned to team 1... o__O
<?php endif; ?>
You could pimp-up the metaboxes you use for team by using ACF. Realy easy to create new metaboxes for certain pages or post-types whith that plugin.
Hope it helps.