更新: .. 我在分隔符之后的底部添加了有关 KIF 2.0 的示例代码.. 对于那些对 KIF 比我面临的具体问题更感兴趣的人:
同时借用cucumber 的Gherkin语法来描述我的单元测试。
100% 基于 obj-c,而不是像使用Frank
. 所以设置更简单,更适用于我狭隘的测试用例需求。话虽如此,我承认Frank
如果我的应用程序更复杂(即使用来自多个服务器的输入等)会更有用。您可以查看这个精彩演示的最后一个季度,了解更多关于 KIF、Frank 和其他自动化测试框架(包括 Apple 自己的UI 自动化)的优缺点。
使用 KIF 后,我发现了导致上述错误的错误,并且我可以 100% 使用 KIF 重现它!它发生如此罕见的原因是因为它仅在我非常快地点击屏幕时才发生..并且由于 KIF 自动执行这些步骤..它以令人难以置信的速度执行它们..这暴露了错误 :)。
因此,以下将是我用于测试的代码示例。这只是为了让您快速了解 KIF(和 Gherkin)可以为您做什么:
- (void)initializeScenarios;
[self addScenario:[KIFTestScenario scenarioToCompleteSignInAndLoadInbox]];
[self addScenario:[KIFTestScenario scenarioToFillAttachmentsWithData]];
[self addScenario:[KIFTestScenario scenarioToViewAndLoadFileBucket]];
[self addScenario:[KIFTestScenario scenarioToViewAndLoadFileBucketSubView]];
/* @given the application is at a fresh state
@and the user already has an imap email account with a valid username/pwd
@then the user can successfully log in
@and the inbox view will be loaded
@and the inbox will get loaded with the latest batch of emails in the user inbox
+ (id)scenarioToCompleteSignInAndLoadInbox
KIFTestScenario *scenario =
[KIFTestScenario scenarioWithDescription:@"Test that a user
can successfully log in."];
[scenario addStepsFromArray:[KIFTestStep stepsCompleteSignInAndLoadInbox]];
return scenario;
/* @given that the user is already signed in
@and the user has already downloaded their folders
@then the user can click on the folders view
@and the user can click on the 'attachments' remote folder
@and the latest batch from the 'attachments' remote folder will download
+ (id)scenarioToFillAttachmentsWithData {
KIFTestScenario* scenario =
[KIFTestScenario scenarioWithDescription:@"Test that we can view the
attachments folder and fill
it with data."];
[scenario addStepsFromArray:[KIFTestStep stepsToFillAttachmentsWithData]];
return scenario;
/* @given that the user is already signed in
@and the user has already downloaded their folders
@and the user has already downloaded attachments
@then the user can click on inbox menu button
@and the user can click on folder list menu button
@and the user can click on the file bucket icon (on the account list view)
@and the data for the file bucket is fetched from the dbase
@and the file bucket view displayes the attachments
+ (id)scenarioToViewAndLoadFileBucket {
KIFTestScenario *scenario =
[KIFTestScenario scenarioWithDescription:@"Test that a user can successfully
view and load
file bucket parent view"];
[scenario addStepsFromArray:[KIFTestStep stepsToViewAndLoadFileBucketPage]];
return scenario;
/* @given that the user is already signed in
@and the user has already downloaded their folders
@and the user has already downloaded attachments
@and the user has already opened file bucket view
@then the user can click on a random row in the file bucket view table
@and the subview will retrieve data from the dbase pertaining to that row
@and the subview will display the data in the uitableview
+ (id)scenarioToViewAndLoadFileBucketSubView {
KIFTestScenario *scenario =
[KIFTestScenario scenarioWithDescription:@"Test that a user can successfully
view and load filet
bucket sub view"];
[scenario addStepsFromArray:[KIFTestStep stepsToViewAndLoadFileBucketSubPage]];
return scenario;
步骤是使用 KIF 的 UI 自动化方法定义的(这只是一个示例):
// this step assumes there is an attachment folder that contains emails with attachments
+ (NSArray *)stepsToFillAttachmentsWithData {
NSMutableArray* steps = [@[] mutableCopy];
[steps addObject:
[KIFTestStep stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"InboxMenuButton"]];
NSIndexPath* indexPath =
[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:remoteAttachmentFolderNumber inSection:0];
KIFTestStep* tapAttachmentRowStep =
[KIFTestStep stepToTapRowInTableViewWithAccessibilityLabel:
@"attachments" atIndexPath:indexPath];
[steps addObject:[KIFTestStep stepToWaitForNotificationName:
(NSString *)kBeganSyncingOlderEmails object:nil
[steps addObject:tapAttachmentRowStep];
[steps addObject:
[KIFTestStep stepToWaitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"attachments"]];
KIFTestStep *fillingInboxStep =
[KIFTestStep stepToWaitForNotificationName:
(NSString *)kOldMailBatchDelivered object:nil];
[fillingInboxStep setTimeout:kSpecialTimeoutForLongTests];
[steps addObject:fillingInboxStep];
return steps;
KIF 2.0 示例代码:
KIF 2.0 使用 Xcode 5 的全新测试导航器..这比 KIF 1.0 所做的有了巨大改进..现在您的测试感觉比过去更加有机和自然..(即它是真实的时间..而不是创建未来运行的场景等)..您甚至可以使用播放按钮等测试每个场景..您应该尝试一下。
以下是一些示例(再次使用 gherkin 语法):
#import <KIF/KIF.h>
#import "KIFUITestActor+EXAdditions.h"
#import "KIFUITestActor+UserRegistration.h"
@interface LoginTests : KIFTestCase
@implementation LoginTests
- (void)testReset {
[tester flushDbase];
[tester reset];
/* @given that the app is in a fresh clean state
@and that no one has ever registered with the server
@then the user can register their themselves with the server
@and immediately start with the rider's map
@and their location on the map shows
- (void)testRegistration
[tester flushDbase];
[tester reset];
[tester singleUserRegistration];
[tester showUserCurrentLocationOnMap];
/* @given that the user has already registered with the server
@and the user is not currently logged in
@then the user can login using their user name and password
@and immediately start with the rider's map
@and their location on the map shows
- (void)testSuccessfulLogin
[tester reset];
[tester login];
[tester showUserCurrentLocationOnMap];
/* @given that the user has already registered
@and that the user is already logged in before app launch
@then the user starts on the map view with the location visible
@and the button prompts them to set pick up location
- (void)testStartOfApplication {
[tester showUserCurrentLocationOnMap];
[tester showsPickUpButton];
- (void)reset
[self runBlock:^KIFTestStepResult(NSError **error) {
BOOL successfulReset = YES;
// Do the actual reset for your app. Set successfulReset = NO if it fails.
AppDelegate* appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[appDelegate resetApp];
KIFTestCondition(successfulReset, error, @"Failed to reset some part of the application.");
return KIFTestStepResultSuccess;
- (void)flushDbase {
[self runBlock:^KIFTestStepResult(NSError **error){
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://randomdomain.com/flush_db"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSError *connectionError = nil;
BOOL databaseFlushSucceeded = YES;
NSURLResponse *response;
NSData *resultData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&connectionError];
if (!resultData) {
databaseFlushSucceeded = NO;
KIFTestCondition(databaseFlushSucceeded, error, @"failed to connect to server!");
if (connectionError) {
databaseFlushSucceeded = NO;
KIFTestCondition(databaseFlushSucceeded, error, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"connection failed. Error: %@", [connectionError localizedDescription]]);
return KIFTestStepResultSuccess;
- (void)navigateToLoginPage
[self tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"login email"];
- (void)returnToLoggedOutHomeScreen
[self tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Logout"];
[self tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Logout"]; // Dismiss alert.