
foo = new obj(); // has foo.method that depends on "this" being bound to obj
// pass foo.method to bar, with it's context bound to foo
bar = new obj2(foo.method.bind(foo)); //  obj2 uses foo.method as a "callback" internally. ugly. T_T


* Base horn class. To be shared by cars, clowns, braggads, etc.
var Horn = (function(){
 var Horn = function (noise){
    this.noise = noise;
  Horn.prototype.sound = function(){
    return "*blowing horn* " + this.noise;

  return Horn; // is there a way to bind here?

* Base car class. Needs a horn.
var Car = (function(){
  var Car = function (model, horn) {
    this.model = model;
    this.horn = horn;
  Car.prototype.drive = function(){
    return "i'm driving in my " + this.model + " " + this.horn();
  return Car;

* Visualize output
var term = document.getElementById('term');
term.say = function(message){
  this.innerHTML += message + "\n";

// create a horn for cars. 
var carHorn = new Horn('beep beep');
term.say(carHorn.sound()); // *blowing horn* beep beep

// pass the horn to a new Acura
var acura = new Car("acura", carHorn.sound);
term.say(acura.drive()); // i'm driving in my acura *blowing horn* undefined

// Pass the horn to a prius, but bind the horn first
var prius = new Car("prius", carHorn.sound.bind(carHorn)); // whooo bind.
term.say(prius.drive()); //i'm driving in my prius *blowing horn* beep beep

JS Bin

我已经阅读了很多关于 SO(这篇文章很有帮助),但我似乎找不到一种优雅的方式来做到这一点。



2 回答 2



var Horn = function (noise){
    this.noise = noise;
    this.sound = this.sound.bind( this );

RHS 将从原型中读取它,而 LHS 将直接将其写入对象上,并且当您引用它时它会在原型上隐藏它。您仍然可以使用hornInstance.constructor.prototype.sound或引用未绑定的版本Horn.prototype.sound

这通常是在您别无选择时完成的,IE 将方法作为事件侦听器传递到某处时。在这种情况下,您可以轻松地传递喇叭对象。

于 2013-06-20T22:24:13.243 回答


var Horn = (function(){
 var Horn = function (noise){
     this.noise = noise;
     this.sound = function(){
        return "*blowing horn* " + this.noise;
     }.bind(this); // bind here

  return Horn;


于 2013-06-20T22:24:25.927 回答