>>> for x in [1,2]:
... for y in ['a','b']:
... print x,y
1 a
1 b
2 a
2 b
p q
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Choose an element from a set of two elements.
2 C 1 = 2
Choose one element from each set, where each set contains two elements.
(2 C 1) * (2 C 1) = 4
假设您有一个包含 10 个元素的列表。使用for
循环对其进行迭代将需要 10 次迭代。如果您有另一个包含 5 个元素的列表,则使用for
循环对其进行迭代将需要 5 次迭代。现在,如果嵌套这两个循环,则必须执行 50 次迭代才能覆盖每个列表元素的所有可能组合。
# use tuples to describe your pairs
lst = [('a','y'), ('b','z')]
for pair in lst:
conn.associate_address(pair[0], pair[1])
# use a dictionary to create a key-value relationship
dct = {'a':'y', 'b':'z'}
for key in dct:
conn.associate_address(key, dct[key])
# use zip to combine pairwise elements in your lists
lst1, lst2 = ['a', 'b'], ['y', 'z']
for p, q in zip(lst1, lst2):
conn.associate_address(p, q)
# use an index instead, and sub-index your lists
lst1, lst2 = ['a', 'b'], ['y', 'z']
for i in range(len(lst1)):
conn.associate_address(lst1[i], lst2[i])