I'm trying to lazy load all the images in collection listings as seen here:


password: iclabe

So far I'ved done the following:

1.)Called the jquery.lazy.js in my header

2.)Edited my product loop html, changing the tag to include the data-original attribute, the placeholder url to the src attribute and added the "lazy" class.

3.) Added script before the closing body tag.

The browser is only loading the placeholder images.

Any idea why?

Here's an example of a shopify store with lazy load properly implemented: http://www.spargogolf.com/collections/new-clubs


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您在第 1427 行有一个错误的“}”。您可以使用浏览器的错误控制台看到这一点。您可能还想查看http://validator.w3.org/以确保您的标记是好的。

于 2013-06-20T21:51:41.920 回答