我有一个 C# 程序,它不会写入文件,但会写入控制台,即使文件写入行在控制台之前。我已经尝试了一些修改并通过调试运行,它从不写入文件或只在文件中放入一行
// Read the file and display it line by line.
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("urltest.txt");
string myFileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhh"), "-urlcheck.log");
while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
Uri myUri = new Uri(line);
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(myFileName))
// create the web request and response based on the url that has been
// just read from the file urltest.txt
HttpWebRequest reqFP = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(myUri);
HttpWebResponse rspFP = (HttpWebResponse)reqFP.GetResponse();
if (HttpStatusCode.OK == rspFP.StatusCode)
// HTTP = 200 - Internet connection available, server online
// Write status of the URL to the log file
writer.WriteLine("================================================================= =========");
writer.WriteLine("Status code of returned: OK " + myUri + " THIS URL IS NOT BLOCKED!");
Console.WriteLine("Status code of returned: OK " + myUri + " THIS URL IS NOT BLOCKED!");
var _uri = myUri.ToString();
string _catstr1 = catURL(_uri);
//regex to get the last 8-9 items of the line and replace them
Regex pat = new Regex(@"</(.*?)a");
string _catstr = pat.Replace(_catstr1, "\x20");
// Write the Catagory of the URL to file and continue
writer.WriteLine("URL " + _catstr);
Console.WriteLine("URL " + _catstr);