I am using dotfuscator to obfuscate my vb.net application(myapp.exe). But i am getting error while running the obfuscated file.

Below is the error when i open the exe which is obfuscated.

"The settings property 'Import' was not found. ImportSetting"

My application uses .config(myapp.exe.config) file which has setting like below

        <setting name="Import" serializeAs="String">

If i don't obfuscate then application works fine. The error comes only if i obfuscate the my application.

Procedure i follow during obfuscation:

First i open create new project in dotfuscator.

In add input assembly i add myapp.exe and myapp.vshost.exe file from the bin folder of my project.

In build menu i select destination directory and click on build.

Now obfuscated file will be generated which i will use.

So please help me to solve this error.


2 回答 2


您可能必须手动排除ImportSetting重命名。如果这不能解决您的问题,您可能应该联系Dotfuscator 支持

于 2013-06-24T01:38:51.520 回答

请注意,运行混淆器将重命名所有内容以隐藏其用途。请参阅此处, http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms227212 (v=vs.80).aspx 。


编辑:看起来 dotfuscator 输出了一个 map.xml 文件,该文件指定了所有重命名的内容。您应该能够查找myapp并查看它重命名为的内容,然后更新 .config 文件。

于 2013-06-20T16:48:08.873 回答