I have a custom class stored in /lib (/lib/buffer_app.rb):
require 'HTTParty'
class BufferApp
include HTTParty
base_uri 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1'
def initialize(token, id)
@token = token
@id = id
def create(text)
message_hash = {"text" => text, "profile_ids[]" => @id, "access_token" => @token}
response = BufferApp.post('/updates/create.json', :body => {"text" => text, "profile_ids[]" => @id, "access_token" => @token})
I'm attempting to use this this class in an Active Admin resource and get the following error when in production (Heroku):
NameError (uninitialized constant Admin::EventsController::BufferApp):
It's worth noting I have this line in my application.rb and that this functionality works locally in development:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{Rails.root}/lib)
If I try include BufferApp
or require 'BufferApp'
that line itself causes an error. Am I having a namespace issue? Does this need to be a module? Or is it a simple configuration oversight?