


.fla 调用支持 .as 文件(见下文)来引入千位分隔符(在英国是逗号,在德国是句号(句点)在 elsewwere 中定义。

但是,我当前正在映射的数据集具有较大的负值,并且结果表明下面的 ORIGINAL HELPER FUNCTION 不喜欢具有 3、6、9 或 12 位(等)数字的负值。

例如 -100 到 -999 呈现为 NaN,100 到 NaN,999。

这是因为这些值被识别为 4 位长。它们被拆分,引入了逗号,并且 -ve 符号被误解了。

我认为该方法必须是使用绝对值,添加逗号,然后(对于负值)然后添加 -ve 符号。但到目前为止,ADAPTED HELPER FUNCTION 的试验只产生了错误。:-(

谁能告诉我如何将 -ve 符号重新输入,好吗?



==================================================== =================================


function addThouSep(num) {  
    a. Acquire the number  -  'myTrendValue' or 'myDataValue' - from function calcValues
    b. Record it (still as a number) to data precision. 
    1. Turn dataORtrend into a string
    2. See if there is a decimal in it.
    3. If there isn't, just run the normal addThouSep.
    4. If there is, run addThouSep just on the first bit of the string - then add the decimal back on again at the end.

    var myNum:Number = correctFPE(num);         //  Create number variable myNum and populate it with 'num' 
                                                //  (myTrendvalue or myData Value from calcValues function) passed thru 'correctPFE'
    var strNum:String = myNum+"";               //  Create string version of the dataORtrend number - so instead of 63, you get '63'
    var myArray = strNum.split(".");            //  Create array representing elements of strNum, split by decimal point.
    //trace(myArray.length);                    //  How long is the array?

    if (myArray.length==1) { // Integer, no decimal.
        if (strNum.length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma.
            return strNum;
        return addThouSep(strNum.slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+strNum.slice(-3);

    else {              // Float, with decimal   
        if (myArray[0].length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma
            return strNum;
        return (addThouSep(myArray[0].slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+myArray[0].slice(-3)+"."+myArray[1]); 

==================================================== =================================


function addThouSep(num) {  
    a. Acquire the number  -  'myTrendValue' or 'myDataValue' - from function calcValues
    b. Record it (still as a number) to data precision. 
    1. Turn dataORtrend into a string
    2. See if there is a decimal in it.
    3. If there isn't, just run the normal addThouSep.
    4. If there is, run addThouSep just on the first bit of the string - then add the decimal back on again at the end.

        var myNum:Number = correctFPE(num);     //  Create number variable myNum and populate it with 'num' 
                                                //  (myTrendvalue or myData Value from calcValues function) passed thru 'correctPFE'
        var myAbsNum:Number = Math.abs(myNum);  //  ABSOLUTE value of myNum 
        var strNum:String = myAbsNum+"";        //  Create string version of the dataORtrend number - so instead of 63, you get '63'
        var myArray = strNum.split(".");        //  Create array representing elements of strNum, split by decimal point.
        //trace(myArray.length);                //  How long is the array?

    if (myNum <0){  // negatives
        if (myArray.length==1)  { // Integer, no decimal.      
            if (strNum.length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma.
                return strNum;
            return addThouSep(strNum.slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+strNum.slice(-3);
       else { // Float, with decimal           
            if (myArray[0].length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma
                return strNum;
            return (addThouSep(myArray[0].slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+myArray[0].slice(-3)+"."+myArray[1]); 
    else    // positive
        if (myArray.length==1)  { // Integer, no decimal.      
            if (strNum.length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma.
                return strNum;
            return addThouSep(strNum.slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+strNum.slice(-3);        
        else {              // Float, with decimal         
            if (myArray[0].length < 4)//999 doesn't need a comma
                return strNum;
            return (addThouSep(myArray[0].slice(0, -3))+xmlData.thouSep+myArray[0].slice(-3)+"."+myArray[1]); 

==================================================== =================================


3 回答 3



public static function commaify( input:Number ):String
    var split:Array = input.toString().split( '.' ),
        front:String = split[0],
        back:String = ( split.length > 1 ) ? "." + split[1] : null,
        pos:int = input < 0 ? 2 : 1,
        commas:int = Math.floor( (front.length - pos) / 3 ),
        i:int = 1;

    for ( ; i <= commas; i++ )
        pos = front.length - (3 * i + i - 1);
        front = front.slice( 0, pos ) + "," + front.slice( pos );

    if ( back )
        return front + back;
        return front;


于 2013-08-26T02:02:16.960 回答


function numberFormat(input:Number):String
    var base:String = input.toString();
    base = base.split("").reverse().join("");
    base = base.replace(/\d{3}(?=\d)/g, "$&,");

    return base.split("").reverse().join("");


trace( numberFormat(-100) );    // -100
trace( numberFormat(5000) );    // 5,000
trace( numberFormat(-85600) );  // -85,600


  1. 将输入数字转换为字符串。
  2. 扭转它。
  3. 用于.replace()查找三个数字后跟另一个数字的所有匹配项。我们$&,用作替换,这基本上意味着将所有这些出现并用我们找到的值替换它,加上一个逗号。
  4. 再次反转字符串并返回它。
于 2013-06-20T22:41:59.063 回答

您是否尝试过使用支持本地化数字值的内置数字格式化选项: Localized Formatting with NumberFormatter

于 2014-03-13T17:26:50.593 回答