我知道我可以使用其他类,但是我想使用 LWP。此处接受的答案(如何在 Perl 中发出并行 HTTP 请求,并按顺序接收它们?)做我想要的,但是我需要“标记”线程,以便我可以将请求与响应相匹配。我已将代码修改为以下内容:
#Setup and query the DB:
#hold all response\id pairs
my @response_bundles;
while (my @row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
my $id = $row[0];
my $url = $row[1];
push @threads, async {
my @container_hash;
$container_hash[0] = @row;
$container_hash[1] = $ua->get($url);
push @response_bundles, @container_hash;
#Once this loop terminates all threads are done
for my $thread (@threads) {
#Since all threads are completed we can now sort through the response bundles
for my $response_bundle (@response_bundles) {
print "test\n";
我的目标是启动一堆 HTTP 请求并将它们的 ($id, $response) 对存储在一个数组中。我将它们全部推送到异步进程中,并且 async{} 中的子程序应该这样做(但事实并非如此)。我遍历线程数组,一旦完成,所有线程都应该完成。然后我检查我的捆绑包并做一些事情,但是“打印测试”永远不会触发。我想错了吗?
while (my @row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
my $id = $row[0];
my $url = $row[1];
push @threads, async {
my @container_hash;
$container_hash[0] = @row;
$container_hash[1] = $ua->get($url);
return @container_hash;
#Once this loop terminates all threads are done
for my $thread (@threads) {
my @container;
@container = $thread->join;
print $container[1];