我需要播放来自实时流的 AAC LC 音频。为了实现这一点,我已经实现了 MediaStreamSource。

当我收到第一个流数据包时,我将 MediaElement 的源设置为我的 MediaStreamSource。似乎一切正常:调用 OpenMediaAsync -> 使用 ReportOpenMediaCompleted 报告,然后调用 GetSampleAsync -> 使用 ReportGetSampleCompleted 报告,但是,在第 10 次调用 GetSampleAsync 时,ReportGetSampleCompleted 抛出 NullReferenceException。

这是我的 CodecPrivateData:

var waveFormat = new AACWaveFormat();
waveFormat.FormatTag = 0xFF;
waveFormat.Channels = 2; // For my stream is always stereo
waveFormat.Frequency = 44100; //For my stream is always 44Khz
waveFormat.BitsPerSample = 16;  //For my stream is always 16bit
waveFormat.BlockAlign = waveFormat.Channels * waveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8; //is this true formula?
waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = waveFormat.Frequency * waveFormat.BlockAlign; //is this true formula?  because usually this value is 176400 or 1411Kbps is this real value for sound?
waveFormat.ExtraDataSize = 2; //usually, but i read these values from first packet of stream
waveFormat.ExtraData = AudioSpecificConfig; //AudioSpecificConfig usually 2 bytes length, readed from stream.

流的第一个数据包始终是 AACSequenceHeader - 我在其中读取我的 CodecPrivateData 和 AudioSpecificConfig。其余的都是 AACraw。

我的 CodecPrivateData 看起来像 FF00020044AC000010B102000400100002001210.

我的 GetSampleAsync

protected override void GetSampleAsync(MediaStreamType mediaStreamType)
    var audioStreamDescription = new MediaStreamDescription(MediaStreamType.Audio, AudioStreamAttibutes);  //AudioStreamAttibutes is field that contains data filled on OpenMediaAsync step.
    //using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(AudioPackets[0].Data))
    var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(AudioPackets[0].Data);
    ReportGetSampleCompleted(new MediaStreamSample(audioStreamDescription, memoryStream, 0, AudioPackets[0].Data.Length, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(GetAudioSampleCalls++ * 32).Ticks, new Dictionary<MediaSampleAttributeKeys, String>()));  //throws NullReferenceException, when debugger stops i can be see that all passed params is not null!


最后,什么是Data场?Data字段包含Byte[]我从 AudioTag 中提取的所有接收到的 RawAAC 音频。E.4.2.2 AACAUDIODATA(参见http://download.macromedia.com/f4v/video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf


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