我不知道如何将 word 文档中的 Table-object 制作为 WrapText 样式。我有两个文件。首先包含一个包含一些数据的表。第二个包含文本。现在,当我尝试合并这两个文件时,我添加的第一个文档是 - 包含表格的文档,后跟仅包含文本的文档。
问题是 - 在输出文件中,表格在第一页,文本在第二页。但是,我希望将文本包装在表格旁边。因此,我可以在同一页面上显示表格和文本。
public static void MergeWithColumns(string[] filesToMerge, string outputFilename, bool insertPageBreaks, string documentTemplate)
object defaultTemplate = documentTemplate;
object missing = System.Type.Missing;
object pageBreak = Word.WdBreakType.wdPageBreak;
object outputFile = outputFilename;
// Create a new Word application
Word._Application wordApplication = new Word.Application();
// Create a new file based on our template
Word._Document wordDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Add(
ref defaultTemplate
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing);
// Make a Word selection object.
Word.Selection selection = wordApplication.Selection;
// Loop thru each of the Word documents
foreach (string file in filesToMerge)
// Insert the files to our template
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing);
//Do we want page breaks added after each documents?
if (insertPageBreaks)
selection.InsertBreak(ref pageBreak);
foreach (Word.Table tbl in wordDocument.Tables)
//tbl.AllowAutoFit = false;
tbl.AllowAutoFit = true;
// Save the document to it's output file.
ref outputFile
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing
, ref missing);
// Clean up!
wordDocument = null;
catch (Exception ex)
//I didn't include a default error handler so i'm just throwing the error
throw ex;
// Finally, Close our Word application
wordApplication.Quit(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);