为什么“成功”安装了 Visual Studio 2012 的 vsix 模板(出现在 extension 和 update 中)没​​有出现在 Project Template 中。我只能在工具菜单(扩展和更新)中看到,而在其他任何地方都看不到。所以对我没有用,因为我不能使用新模板...


20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - -------------------------------------------
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Initializing Install...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Extension Details...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Identifier      : VSIXProject8.Microsoft.4b7ebf96-1706-45f7-81a9-
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Name            : VSIXProject8
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Author          : Microsoft
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Version         : 1.0
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Description     : custom project template
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Locale          : en-US
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   MoreInfoURL     : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   InstalledByMSI  : False
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : 4.5
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Supported Products : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -           Version : 11.0
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VWDExpress
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -           Version : [11.0,12.0)
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   References      : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Searching for applicable products...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - The extension with ID 'VSIXProject8.Microsoft.4b7ebf96-1706-45f7-81a9-
7599e03b57fd' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012.
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Global Location
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - The following target products have been selected...
20/06/2013 12:44:11 -   Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012...
20/06/2013 12:44:12 - Install to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 completed successfully. 
The extension has been installed to C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 11.0\\COMMON7

1 回答 1


我通过安装ASP.NET 和 Web Tools 2012.2 update来解决这个问题,

单击链接安装此更新,然后再次重新打开 Visual Studio 2012,它将解决您的问题

于 2013-09-03T19:36:20.443 回答