我有一个包含图像路径的变量。根据我收到的 JSON 对象的整数值,该变量应该获得不同的路径。
但是,由于某些原因,在下面的函数中,分配给变量的路径仍然是全局声明的路径,尽管我知道我的 JSON 对象正在为 switch 语句返回正确的整数这一事实。看看下面的代码:
function spawnThumbnails() {
$.getJSON('scripts/get_thumbs.php', function(data){
$.each(data, function(thumb, thumbInfo){
var thumbimage;
// If I create local thumbimage var like so,
//the image below turns is undefined
// But if local thumbimage var is not declared,
// the value defaults to globally declared value of arctic.svg
var thumbtype = thumbInfo.type;
alert(thumbtype); // this will alert correct type (an integer)
case 1: thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/arctic.svg'; break;
case 2: thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/savan.svg'; break;
case 3: thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/trop.svg'; break;
case 4: thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/tundra.svg'; break;
case 5: thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/ocea.svg'; break;
$("#thumbtest").append('<img src="' + thumbimage + '">');
// returning as the default image or undefined
}); //end each
}); // end json
var thumbimage = 'graphics/thumbs/artic.svg'; // default image
// I have tried placing the function definition here as well,
// but there is no difference. Should there be?
我也觉得奇怪的是,我不必在 spawnThumbnails 函数声明中声明“thumbimage”参数。事实上,如果我确实声明了一个参数,它就会中断。但我猜这是因为它创建了一个新的局部变量,对吗?