I'm wondering if there is some kind of way to do fuzzy string matching in PHP. Looking for a word in a long string, finding a potential match even if its mis-spelled; something that would find it if it was off by one character due to an OCR error.

I was thinking a regex generator might be able to do it. So given an input of "crazy" it would generate this regex:


It would then return all matches for that word or variations of that word.

How to build the generator: I would probably split the search string/word up into an array of characters and build the regex expression doing a foreach the newly created array replacing the key value (the position of the letter in the string) with ".+".

Is this a good way to do fuzzy text search or is there a better way? What about some kind of string comparison that gives me a score based on how close it is? I'm trying to see if some badly converted OCR text contains a word in short.


3 回答 3


当您不知道正确的词是什么时,字符串距离函数是无用的。我建议使用 pspell 函数:

$p = pspell_new("en");
print_r(pspell_suggest($p, "crazzy"));


于 2009-11-12T09:08:51.907 回答
    echo generateRegex("crazy");
    function generateRegex($word)
      $len = strlen($word);
      $regex = "\b((".$word.")";
      for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
        $temp = $word;
        $temp[$i] = '.';
        $regex .= "|(".$temp.")";
      $regex = $regex.")\b";
      return $regex;
于 2009-11-12T08:43:42.440 回答

Levenshtein 是 String Edit- distance 的一个示例。有不同的指标用于不同的目的。熟悉它们并找到适合您的。

于 2009-11-12T08:18:07.000 回答