感谢 junkystu,这是我使用的代码。请注意有助于过渡的 settimeout(因此您看不到离开图库的新图像)。数字 95 基于 100 的动画速度,仅通过眼睛调整。如果用户单击上一个图像,我还添加了一个反向动画。
我也有用户可以点击的不执行任何动画的缩略图。因此,if next else if prev
当direction == "none"
旧代码 - 不要使用它。
if (direction == "next")
image.animate({ 'left': '-1000' }, 100, function () { image.css({ 'left': '1000px' }); });
else if (direction == "prev")
image.animate({ 'left': '1000' }, 100, function () { image.css({ 'left': '-1000px' }); });
setTimeout(function() {
image.attr('src', largerImage);
}, 95);
if (direction == "next")
image.animate({ 'left': '0' }, 100);
else if (direction == "prev")
image.animate({ 'left': '0' }, 100);
whereoverflow: hidden;
这是我的 document.ready 控制事件连接
$(document).on("click", ".gallery-thumbnail", function (e)
var gallery = $(this).closest('.gallery');
GallerySetFeature(gallery, $(this).attr("data-gallery-id"), "none");
$(document).on("click", ".gallery-prev", function (e) { GalleryNextPrev(this, e); });
$(document).on("click", ".gallery-next", function (e) { GalleryNextPrev(this, e); });
//-- only showing the next/prev controls on hover.
$(document).on("mouseenter", ".gallery-feature", function (e)
$(document).on("mouseleave", ".id-gallery-feature", function (e)
function GalleryNextPrev(control, e)
var gallery = $(control).closest('.gallery');
var ubound = parseInt(gallery.attr('data-gallery-ubound'));
var current = parseInt(gallery.attr('data-gallery-currentid'));
var directionIsNext = $(control).hasClass('gallery-next');
var newIndex = (directionIsNext ? current + 1 : current - 1);
if (newIndex > ubound)
newIndex = 0;
directionIsNext = false;
else if (newIndex < 0)
newIndex = ubound;
directionIsNext = true;
GallerySetFeature(gallery, newIndex, (directionIsNext ? "next" : "prev"));
这是我的动画功能。注意 imagesLoaded 函数(获取http://desandro.github.io/imagesloaded/)!哦,另外,如果图像在特定时间内没有加载,我会在图像顶部添加一个 ajax 微调器。
var ajaxSpinnerId;
function GallerySetFeature(gallery, thumbIndex, direction)
thumbIndex = parseInt(thumbIndex);
gallery.attr('data-gallery-currentid', thumbIndex);
var thumbnail = gallery.find('[data-gallery-id=' + thumbIndex + ']');
var thumbnailImg = thumbnail.find('img');
var largerImage = thumbnail.attr('data-gallery-larger');
var downloadLink = thumbnail.attr('data-gallery-download');
var thumbTitle = thumbnail.attr('data-gallery-title');
var feature = $(gallery).find('.gallery-feature');
var feature_img = $(gallery).find('.gallery-feature img');
if (direction == "next")
feature_img.animate({ 'left': '-1000' }, 100, function() { feature_img.css({ 'left': '1000px' }); });
else if (direction == "prev")
feature_img.animate({ 'left': '1000' }, 100, function() { feature_img.css({ 'left': '-1000px' }); });
feature_img.attr('src', largerImage);
feature_img.attr('width', feature_img.width);
feature_img.attr('height', feature_img.height);
//-- IsUndefined is my function, but you know what it is anyway. Just checking Is Undefined!
if (IsUndefined(ajaxSpinnerId))
ajaxSpinnerId = setTimeout(function() {
//-- ajax spinner start
}, 150);
imagesLoaded(feature_img, function() {
//-- ajax spinner end
ajaxSpinnerId = undefined;
if (direction == "next")
feature_img.animate({ 'left': '0' }, 100);
else if (direction == "prev")
feature_img.animate({ 'left': '0' }, 100);
//-- Just setting labels like title, image size and download link all storted client side as attributes.
$(gallery).find('.gallery-download').attr('href', downloadLink);
$(gallery).find('.gallery-position').text(thumbIndex + 1);
//-- because I have little thumbnails the user can directly click on. I put a color border around the thumbnail to indicate the current showing. This works for prev/next image link too.