I have a directory services method to gather machines from Active Directory and return them as a List<> .

The code is:

public static List<string> PCsAndAttributes(string PCName, string AttributeToRead)
        List<string> toReturn = new List<string>();
            string LdapPath = "LDAP://corp.company.com";
            DirectoryEntry computer = new DirectoryEntry(LdapPath);

            DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(PCName);

            string searchAtt = "Name";

            search.Filter = "(" + searchAtt + "=" + PCName + ")";


            SearchResultCollection results = search.FindAll();

            foreach (SearchResult result in results)
                ResultPropertyCollection PCS = result.Properties;

                if (!(toReturn.Contains(Convert.ToString(PCS))))

            return toReturn;
        catch (Exception err)
            return toReturn;

For some reason, this is creating two of every computer in my treeview. I am 99% sure the error is at this stage, but I am unable to eliminate the duplicates.

Here is the treeview node code:

    private void UpdateLists()
        List<string> AdFinds = ProfileCleaner.smallClasses.AdClasses.PCsAndAttributes(txtComputers.Text, "Name");
        lblCount.Text = "PC Count: " + AdFinds.Count();

        foreach (string PC in AdFinds)
            string online = ProfileCleaner.smallClasses.PingIt.Pingit(PC);

            if (online == "Success")
                TreeNode pNode = treePCs.Nodes.Add(PC);
                pNode.Checked = true;

                string OS = ProfileCleaner.smallClasses.OsVersion.GetOsVersion.OSVersion(PC);

                string SubPath = null;
                if (OS == "6")
                    SubPath = @"\C$\Users\";
                    SubPath = @"\C$\Documents and Settings\";

                    string[] usrs = Directory.GetDirectories(@"\\" + PC + SubPath);
                    foreach (string usr in usrs)
                        List<string> noAdds = new List<string>();
                        noAdds.Add("admin"); noAdds.Add("Administrator");

                            string[] lName = usr.Split('\\');
                            string user = Convert.ToString(lName[lName.Length - 1]);

                        if (!(noAdds.Contains(user)))
                catch (Exception folderErr)

Can someone tell me why I am getting two of every machine from Active Directory?

I have tried to capture and eliminate, perhaps its my logic, but trying things like:

if (!(myList.contains(NewMachine)) { } 

Is not stopping them.


2 回答 2


In active directory the computer is both a user and a computer. Your search string should be search.Filter = "(&(" + searchAtt + "=" + PCName + ")(objectclass=computer))";

于 2013-06-19T20:43:59.707 回答

If you want to avoid duplicates should be:

if (!(toReturn.Contains(Convert.ToString(PCS[AttributeToRead][0]))))

I'd be in interested in knowing why AD returns duplicates. :)

于 2013-06-19T20:42:01.327 回答