with CSD as (
select Customer, CustomerName, FiscalMonthNum, FiscalYear, SalesDlr
from CustomerSalesDollars
WHERE FiscalYear in ('2013')
), YearlyTotals as (
select FiscalYear, Customer, CustomerName, SUM(SalesDlr) as YearlyTotal
from CSD
group by FiscalYear, Customer, CustomerName
select * from YearlyTotals
order by YearlyTotal desc
with CSD as (
select Customer, CustomerName, FiscalMonthNum, FiscalYear, SalesDlr
from CustomerSalesDollars
WHERE FiscalYear in ('2013')
), YearlyTotals as (
select FiscalYear, Customer, CustomerName, SUM(SalesDlr) as YearlyTotal
from CSD
group by FiscalYear, Customer, CustomerName
select CSD.*, YT.YearlyTotal from YearlyTotals YT
join CSD on CSD.FiscalYear = YT.FiscalYear
and CSD.Customer = YT.Customer
and CSD.CustomerName = YT.CustomerName
order by YearlyTotal desc, CSD.SalesDlr desc