如何使用一系列单元格(x,y)作为输入在 VBA 中调用 Max 函数?
例如,我有两个变量 m & n,其中 n > m
Cells(Count, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Cells(m, 1): Cells(n, 1))
Sub convertFNIRStoCandlesticks()
'Variable declarations
Dim rowCount As Integer 'The total number of rows in use
Dim Count As Integer
Dim Period As Integer
Dim totalPeriods As Integer
Dim PeriodStart As Integer
Dim PeriodEnd As Integer
rowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
totalPeriods = rowCount / 6
For Count = 1 To totalPeriods
Period = Count - 1
PeriodStart = (Period * 6) + 1
m = (Period * 6) + 1
PeriodEnd = (Period * 6) + 6
n = PeriodEnd
Cells(Count, 2) = Cells(PeriodStart, 1)
Cells(Count, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Range(Cells(PeriodStart, 1), Cells(PeriodEnd, 1)))
Cells(Count, 5) = Cells(PeriodEnd, 1)
Next Count
End Sub